
不发达理论的出现,在某种程度上,作为一个确定的批评其他理论的不足之处,提供了一个令人信服的解释贫困。正统的发展观是,只有通过工业化才能取得进步和发展。传统的工业化,规模化生产一直被视为发展或Kitching提出'如果你想发展你必须实现工业化的唯一道路。”[ 4 ]依赖理论出现在1950和60的回应和挑战,传统发展理论。[ 5 ]依赖理论家认为,不发达是一个由于国际政治经济秩序,因此解决欠发达的国际秩序,结构和系统需要改变。依赖理论的复杂性和深度是由Palma人认为,没有一个单一的依赖理论而是它是一所学校的思想说。当她发现用于解释一些贫困的社会政治和经济方面,它并没有提供一个全面的、整体性的贫困和不发达的解决方案。[ 6 ]依赖理论提出了令人信服的论点在确定国际秩序是不公正的,因此需要如果有什么是要做的关于贫穷的改变。
Underdevelopment theory came about, in part, as an identified critic of the inadequacies of other theories to provide a convincing explanation of poverty. The Orthodox view of development is that only through industrialisation will progress and development be achieved. Traditionally industrialisation, large-scale production has been seen as the only road to development or as Kitching puts it ‘if you want to develop you must industrialise.’[4] Dependency theory emerged in the 1950’s and 60’s as a response and a challenge to orthodox development theory.[5] Dependency theorists argue that underdevelopment is a result of international political and economic order therefore to address underdevelopment the international order, structures and systems needs to be changed. The complexity and depth of dependency theories is noted by Palma who argues that there is no one single theory of dependency but rather that it is a school of thought. While she finds it useful for explaining some of the socio-political and economic aspects of poverty, it does not provide a comprehensive and holistic solution for poverty and underdevelopment.[6] Dependency theory makes a convincing argument in identifying that the international order is unjust and therefore needs to be changed if anything is to be done about poverty.
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