
有强有力的证据表明,在正式的学校环境中进行的活动与外部世界没有什么关联,而且技能不容易被转移。在努涅斯等人。研究巴西儿童谁担任街头交易员,孩子们显示了显着的算术能力,在他们的街道摊的背景下,但这表明不转移到教室的背景下(努涅斯等。1993,奥布里,C,2001引,页)。教师面临的挑战是使他们的教学有效和可转让。教钱就是一个很好的例子。重要的是,在学校发展的技能是可转让的孩子-他们能够进入一个真正的商店和计算他们的变化。阅读被认为是在问题特别是低收入家庭,这些孩子不执行以及他们在“故事”的问题,解决问题,尊重同行(Jordan et al.,2006)。 关于解决问题的证明,可以有很大的变化的方法同年龄的孩子使用解决问题说明教师在他们需要儿童使用的策略更加灵活(Carr &该,2003,p.60)。这增加了全体会议的好处孩子们有机会讨论和发展他们的解决问题的策略。
There is strong evidence to suggest that that activities that go on in the formal school setting have little relevance to the world outside and that skills are not easily transferred. In Nunes et al. study of Brazilian children who worked as street traders, the children displayed a remarkable arithmetic ability in the context of their street stalls, but this was shown not to transfer to the classroom context (Nunes et al. 1993, cited in Aubrey, C, 2001, p.20). The challenge for teachers is to make their teaching effective and transferable. Teaching money is a good example of this. It is important that the skills developed in school are transferable for the children – that they are able to go into a real shop and calculate their change. Reading has been cited as a problem in respect of problem solving particularly in low income families where these children do not perform as well as their peers in “story” roblems (Jordan et al.,2006).Research pertaining to problem solving has shown that there can be wide variations in the approaches same age children use to solve problems suggesting that teachers should be more flexible in the strategies they require children to use ( Carr & Hattinger,2003, p.60). This adds weight to the benefit of the plenary session where children have an opportunity to discuss and develop their strategies for problem solving.