英国考文垂作业代写 医院管理机构
Keywords:英国考文垂作业代写 医院管理机构

英国考文垂作业代写 医院管理机构
Within recent years, there has been an increase in the amount of restructuring among hospital administrations. These changes have greatly affected a nurse’s workload and responsibilities, while still requiring them to provide an optimal level of care for patients; thus, hospitals are at a greater risk for dehumanizing patient care (Cara, n.d.). The push to preserve human caring within clinical, administrative, educational and research realms has prompted healthcare professionals to search for a way to interconnect the patient and his or her caregivers. Theorists such as Jean Watson have sought to preserve the caring practice that is fundamental in hospitals. Watson’s caring theory allows those within the nursing profession to transcend the idea of going through the motions of their job, and emerge into a profession of caring and healing with dignity. Studies have shown that by using Watson’s caring theory, the results produce better care, an increase in positive health outcomes, an increase in patient satisfaction, and an increase in the caregiver’s satisfaction (Cara, n.d.). According to Watson, by involving “charity, compassion and generosity of spirit”, health and healing are possible (2010). Two of Watson’s carative factors that are worth mentioning in regard to achieving an optimal relationship between care provider and patient are the development of a helping-trusting relationship and assistance with the gratification of human needs.