英国考文垂作业代写 象征性
Keywords:英国考文垂作业代写 象征性

托辞主义是一种象征性的努力,只表明对规则、法律或公众压力的最低限度的遵守。已经有研究表明,伪装主义如何影响女性官员,以及如何通过申请领导职位来影响她们。“官样文章”指的是一些男性和女性军官认为,在招聘和晋升方面为女性提供平等机会的努力是制造问题的象征性姿态。担任领导职务的警察,不论男女,都做出了伟大的成绩。有些警察部门的问题不是很好理解,特别是女警官的象征性问题。对于那些正在学习成为一名警察的法律和工作的人来说,象征主义的话题只是轻描淡写。许多男性警官认为女性警官在身体上太弱,精神上太软,不适合执法部门提出的要求(Gaines 111)。通常,一些男性警官觉得有必要保护女性警官不受危险情况的伤害。当警官们在危险的情况下互不信任时,就会导致他们在保护被托付给他们的公民方面的效率降低。晋升过程中的官样文章阻碍了女性官员申请领导职位。一项研究对美国中西部一家警察机构的男女警官的晋升愿望进行了比较。对于男性官员来说,其影响是在晋升过程中缺乏信心。女性官员在工作中感到孤立,感觉被男同事怀疑,并因性别而受到区别对待。这阻碍了女性参与晋升过程(Archbold 298-300)。警察部门有促进多样化的要求。女性常常觉得她们只是被鼓励去升职以满足这一要求(Gaines和Miller 111)。尽管有证据表明女性能做多少好事,但象征主义阻碍了许多女性进入领导岗位。有一种方法可以证明女警官的工作效率,那就是讲述杰出女警官的真实故事。过去的军官可以教会我们很多的勇气和对工作的奉献精神。
英国考文垂作业代写 象征性
Tokenism is a token effort that demonstrates only minimal compliance with rules, laws or public pressure. Research has been done that shows how tokenism affects female officers and how it influences them from applying for leadership. As applied to the treatment of female officers tokenism refers to an opinion among some officers, both male and female, that efforts to provide equal opportunity to females in hiring and promotion are token gestures that create problems. Police officers who are in leadership have produced great works regardless of gender.Some police department issues are not very well understood, especially tokenism for female officers. For those that are learning about the laws and workings of becoming a police officer the topic of tokenism is lightly touched upon. Many male officers feel that female officers are physically too weak, mentally soft and not suited for the demands that law enforcement makes (Gaines 111). Often some male officers feel the need to protect female officers from dangerous situations. When officers don’t trust each other in dangerous situations it can cause them to become less effective in protecting the citizens that they are entrusted with. Tokenism in the promotion process has discouraged female officers from applying for leadership. A study was done to compare promotion aspirations among male and female officers in a police agency in the mid-western United States. For male officers the effect is a lack of confidence in the promotion process. The female officers experience the effects of tokenism in feeling isolated at work, feeling second guessed by male colleagues, and receiving differential treatment because of their gender. This puts off females from participating in the promotion process (Archbold 298-300). Police departments have requirements to promote show diversity. Women often feel that they are just being encouraged to be promoted to meet that requirement (Gaines and Miller 111). Tokenism has held many females from progressing into leadership even though evidence has shown how much good they can do. One way to show how effective female officers can be is to tell true stories of outstanding female officers. Officers from the past can teach us a great deal of courage and dedication to their job.