英国考文垂论文代写 方法和策略
Keywords:英国考文垂论文代写 方法和策略

看了这份报告,可以得出结论,使用以上所有的方法和策略V ' Pure ' - Energy drink将能够赢得客户的信任,并在印度孟买长期生存下去。制造商有必要知道他们的客户真正想要什么,他们的产品如何能吸引更多的用户。在一个竞争激烈的能量饮料市场,比如能量饮料,很重要的一点是要知道用户愿意为像V ' Pure ' - energy饮料一样好的能量饮料支付什么样的价格,而不去考虑它。在一个新的市场中,消费者不知道这家公司,也不知道消费它对他们有多好,我们必须找到一些方法来代表我们的产品和它的质量——纯能量饮料。这是我们的责任,使我们的产品随时随地,我们的消费者需要它。在当今时代,满足他们的需求要容易得多,我们需要研究如何灵活地将货物交付给我们有价值的客户。重要的是要认识到消费者希望得到什么,而不是我们必须提供什么。随着时间的变化,重要的是要意识到什么东西是临时的,以满足我们宝贵的消费者。让有价值的消费者知道他们对公司有多重要是很重要的,公司有必要让他们知道他们是多么感谢他们从忠实用户那里得到的所有支持。这可以通过给节日折扣,给长期折扣的礼品卡,现在和经常提供奖金产品,甚至授予他们忠诚的客户证书,这在某种程度上可以让他们高兴。就像我之前说过的,客户是任何产品最大的广告,从长远来看,只要公司能够取悦他们。
英国考文垂论文代写 方法和策略
Looking at this report, it can be concluded that using all the above methods and strategies V ‘Pure’- Energy drink will be able to win the trust of the customers and survive in Mumbai, India for long term. It is necessary for a manufacturer to know what their customers really want, how their product can tempt more of its users. In a competitive energy drink market like an energy drink, it is essential to know what price are the users ready to pay without second thoughts on it for as good energy drink as V ‘Pure’- Energy drink. In a new market where the customers have no idea about the company and how good it is for them to consume it, it is essential that we find some ways that could refer our product and its qualities in behalf of V ‘pure’- Energy drink. And it is our responsibility to make our product available the where ever our consumers want it. In these modern years, it is far too easier to deliver their needs and we need to do the research on how flexible we can do drop ship the goods to our valuable customers. It is important to recognize what the consumers want to be offered rather than what we have got to offer. As the time changes it is important to sense what things are to be improvised to satisfy our valuable consumers. It is important to let the valuable consumers know about how valuable they are to the company, and it is necessary that the company need to let them know that how thankful they are for all the support they are getting from the loyal users. It can be done by giving festival discounts, giving gift cards to the long term discounts, providing bonus product now and often and even awarding them loyal customer certificates which can somehow delight them. And as I said before the customers are the greatest advertisement for any product, it will be in the long run as long as the company is able to please them.