英国社会学作业代写 爱尔兰住房
Keywords:英国社会学作业代写 爱尔兰住房

英国社会学作业代写 爱尔兰住房
Choice Housing Ireland Ltd was formed in 2015 through the merging of several smaller housing associations to create one of the largest housing associations in Northern Ireland with over 11,000 properties and employing approximately 400 employees. Although only newly formed in 2015 the association has provided charitable purpose of benefiting the community for over 40 years through the legacy associations.The objective of the organisation is to provide social and affordable housing and the type of accommodation provided consists of general needs units, sheltered properties and supported accommodation.Choice is regulated by the Department of Communities and the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and is an Industrial and Provident Society registered housing association and charity.Choice Housing is made up of several subsidiaries, which are Maple and May Ltd, Choice Services Ltd and Oaklee Housing Ltd. Maple and May provide housing through the private rented sector and also offer affordable housing for purchase. Choice Services Ltd are an in-house direct services maintenance company which carry out both day to day repairs and planned maintenance works on the association’s properties within the Belfast area. Oaklee Housing Ltd operate and offer social housing within the Republic of Ireland.All surpluses within the organisation are re-invested to fulfil the charitable purpose as Choice is a social enterprise with voluntary membership.The vision of Choice Housing is for the organisation to be recognised as the leading housing association group in Ireland, and its mission is to enrich lives through great homes and services.