
根据Paula McCoy Pinderhughes的说法,企业家是一个通过努力工作、奉献和决心来实现改变的人,因为他们知道这将满足他们最终的个人和商业目标。另一方面,在英语中,企业家是一种适用于愿意为自己或自己的新企业或企业承担责任的人。jean - baptiste说,一位法国经济学家在1800年左右首创了“企业家”这个词。他说,企业家是“一个企业,尤其是一个承包商,在资本和劳动力之间充当中间角色,企业家精神意味着公司正在形成,通过积极的增长议程,实现更大的目标。”创业精神是一个企业的副产品或创业。小企业是一个家族所有的公司,或者是由专业人士组成的联合体,他们的目标是特定的目标。在大多数情况下,积极的增长并不像为业主提供足够的收入一样重要。所有形式的初创企业和新企业的共同点是,它们在市场上是未知的。这是对任何新业务的主要挑战。举个例子,在最近的一个超级碗比赛中,启动MLife制造了大量的混乱,关于到底提供了什么。尽管该公司的网站上充斥着大量的询问(以至于它崩溃了),但大多数人都懒得去发现,而且起飞也很慢。
According to Paula McCoy Pinderhughes, an entrepreneur is a person who visualizes or possesses a burning desire to make a change through hard work, dedication and determination, knowing that it will satisfy their ultimate personal and business objectives. On the other hand, Entrepreneur in English is a term applied to the type of personality who is willing to take upon her or himself a new venture or enterprise and accepts full responsibility for the outcome. Jean-Baptiste Says, a French economist is believed to have coined the word "entrepreneur" first in about 1800. He said an entrepreneur is "one who undertakes an enterprise, especially a contractor, acting as intermediate between capitals and labour Typically, entrepreneurship means a company is being formed with the express goal of becoming larger through an aggressive growth agenda. Entrepreneurship is a corporate spin-off or start up. Small business is a family-owned company or consortium of professionals that is formed with specific objectives in mind. In most cases, aggressive growth is not as important as providing adequate income for the owners. The common denominator of all forms to start-up and new businesses is that they are unknown in the marketplace. This is the major challenge to any new business. For example, the launch MLife at a recent Super Bowl created a substantial amount of confusion as to what exactly was being offered. While the company's website was flooded with inquiries (so much so that it crashed), most people did not bother to find out and the take-off was slow.