
Motivation is the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction. and management is corned with the effect be and efficient deployment of resources. Human resource is one of the most important in any organization and company and the role of manager is to be a leader and achieve organization objective by developing a partnership with people. Motivation in work is one of the very variables determining employees performance. we can say that motivation it is hard to give any type of permanent definition about motivation but it is a kind of direction in which employees are ambitious and they can take action and make an effort. Motivation is an power that causes people to behave in a positive way motivation collective with ability result in performance. Motivation is the internal power or a type of energy and it pushes toward the performance of the employees. If desire and ambition are absent, motivation absent too because motivation are much do with desire and ambition. Motivation strengthens always give the way, courage energy and persistence to follow the organization goal. A motivate employee take action and does whatever and whenever it need to achieve their goals