
此外,即使看上去最基本的图画书,如罗西的走,总会有别的补充。例如,罗茜的行走,似乎小情节(这是一个页的问题和简单的帐户母鸡穿过农场)然而,照片提供了一个全新的领域可能性的想象。虽然罗西不与任何其他动物互动,但她通过了几个人,其中许多人目睹了狐狸的苦难。作为一个孩子,他们可以为子角色创造反应和整个生活。当狐狸摸索着跳进池塘的时候,青蛙们飞起来了——青蛙们认为这是粗鲁的吗?狐狸道歉吗?在后面的一个场景中,一只山羊在干牛旁吃草,看着狐狸被降下的面粉击中——这只山羊被逗乐了吗?关心罗西?弗农·洛德(Vernon Lord)和伯罗威(Burroway)对细节表现出了敏锐的观察力,为孩子提供了一个跳出最初呈现的信息思考的机会。这一点在像《罗茜的散步》这样的短篇小说中尤为明显,因为孩子在阅读了几本书后,几乎肯定会习惯剧情,并在故事中寻找其他刺激因素。与普罗瑟罗的担忧形成鲜明对比的是,似乎巧妙地运用图片,实际上可以激发孩子更高层次的洞察力,因为如果没有图片的话,孩子们早就厌倦了罗西走路时的寥寥数语。
In addition, even with the most seemingly basic of picture books, such as Rosie's Walk, there is always something else to add. For example, Rosie's Walk, has seemingly little plot (it is a matter of pages long and simply accounts a hen walking through a farmyard) however, the pictures provide a whole new realms of possibility for the imagination. Although Rosie does not interact with any other animals, she passes several, many of whom witness the tribulations of the fox. As a child studies the pictures they can invent reactions and entire lives for the sub-characters. The frogs are sent flying as the fox fumbles and plunges into the pool - did the frogs think this was rude? Did the fox apologise? The goat who grazes by the hayhock is seen in the background of a later scene, watching the fox get struck by the descending flour - was the goat amused? Concerned for Rosie? Vernon Lord and Burroway demonstrate a keen eye for detail and provide the child with an opportunity to think outside the information with which they are initially presented. This is especially true of a brief story like Rosie's Walk as the child will almost certainly grow accustomed to the plot after several readings and look for other stimulus in the tale. In direct contrast to Protheroe's concerns, it seems that pictures, used skillfully, could in fact encourage a higher level of perspicacity from a child who would have long become tired of the few words in Rosie's Walk if it lacked pictures.