
例如,航空工业受到政治环境的影响,马来西亚航空公司MH17航班在乌克兰坠毁,298名乘客和机组人员遇难。这是马航370失踪后发生的第二起事故。在事故发生的当天,波音777飞机向俄罗斯国防部提出了一系列支持该飞机被乌克兰军方击落的说法。根据该办公室的说法,在顿涅茨克地区上空,波音已经偏离了航线的走廊,在向北14公里处。此外,飞过戈勒夫卡的班轮试图返回路线,但他的气道的边界没有时间,并被它的极限撞毁。乌克兰现在有政治问题和内战,这一切都对马来西亚的航空业产生了影响,MH370的失踪对第一季度的结果产生了“戏剧性的影响”,取消了预定,帮助公司损失了4.43亿林吉特(1.4亿美元)。持有该航空公司钱包的国家基金国库控股(Khazanah Nasional)今年6月表示,将宣布一项计划,在6至12个月内重振该航空公司。马来西亚航空公司在过去三年里已经损失了13亿美元。因此,这些政治游戏可能会给航空业带来风险,并带来巨大的物质损失。总而言之,科技一直是我们文明最伟大的变革推动者。技术正引领着商业上最重要的革命。它变化速度快´s创造新的市场趋势。(澳大利亚当局要求对2014年乌克兰坠机事件作出解释).
As for example, aviation industry have been affected by Political environment, Malaysia airlines flight MH17 have been crashed in Ukraine with 298 passengers and crew. It is the second accident that happened after MH 370, which went missing. Day of the vision of accident Boeing 777 presented the Defense Ministry of Russia there have led a number of arguments in favor of the version that the plane was shot down by a Ukrainian military. According to the Office, Boeing, while over the Donetsk region, has deviated from the corridor of the airway and was at 14 km to the north. Further, flying past Gorlovka liner tried to return to the route, but the boundaries of his airway did not have time to get, and was crashed of its limits. Ukraine nowadays has political issues and civil war, and this all circumstances has impact on aviation industry in Malaysia, MH370's disappearance had a "dramatic impact" on its first-quarter results, with cancelled bookings helping push the company to a loss of 443 million ringgit (US$140 million). State fund Khazanah Nasional, which holds the airline's purse strings, said in June it would announce a plan to revive the carrier within six to 12 months. Malaysia Airlines had already raked in losses amounting to US$1.3 billion over the previous three years. So all this political games may arouse risk for aviation industry and bring considerable material losses.All in all, technology has always been and continues to be the greatest change agent of our civilization. And technology is leading the most important revolution in business. It is changing at a fast pace and it´s creating new trends in the marketplace. (Australian authorities have demanded an explanation about the Russian plane crash in Ukraine, 2014)