
emotional reactions to challenging behaviour as the source of their stress and Bell (2002. p19) found that the emotional reactions ranged from fear, to anger, guilt and shame among the caregivers’ exposed to violence. In a similar study it was hypothesised that negative emotional reactions of caregivers’ to violent challenging behaviour might accumulate overtime and finally impact on wellbeing (Hastings, 2002, p144). In the two replication studies by Rose et al (2004, p221) it was also proposed that caregivers observed to have strong negative emotional reactions to challenging behaviour may well also be experiencing burnout. It is argued that the studies by Hastings and Bell only suggested that the caregivers’ negative emotional reactions to challenging behaviour were the factor for stress in the working environment and both studies only examined the effect of stress in the working environment from the point of the caregivers. Conversely, in the studies by Rose et al (2004, p222) it was suggested that other factors such as differences in organisational structure, staff education, difficulties in understanding the person’s behaviour and the unpredictability of behaviour can produce emotional reactions among both the professional carers and those with intellectual disabilities. It is argued therefore that there is perhaps some blame attached to the caregivers as Bell and Hastings suggests that it is their reactions to challenging behaviour situations in the form negative emotions that contribute to the stress within the working environment. Whereas, the study by Rose et al while acknowledging the effect of negative emotional reactions do at least mention other factors that might contribute to stress within the working environment.