
由于我对主席和整个团体的看法,这次会议基本上是我的时间杀手。我继续按要求提供资料,但我再也没有耐心去处理那些使进程在一个循环中的点对点讨论了。与其他小组成员进行了互动,他们注意到我参加会议时的态度有差异。我会说我需要做一个更好的工作而伪装我的态度参加这次会议。我不相信我能绕开我的态度而不去接触这个来源。性格似乎是这种情况下最相关的背景因素。看来,主席已训练自己寻找改进的机会,而不考虑文件化的进程。我接受了记录过程的训练,以获得可重复的、持续的结果。我承认,文件化过程对我们的目的可能过于严格,但也有一个过程,以寻求从上述限制救济。Situationally,我认为这可能是一个个性的问题,至少在我的部分。Myers Briggs Type指标(MBTI),一种流行的测量人格的方法,发现我表现出了高的倾向内向。有些内向的方式包括,比较内向,喜欢独处,更集中。
Due to my perceptions of the chairperson and the group in general, this meeting is basically a time killer for me. I continue to provide information as requested but I no longer have the patience to deal with the point counter point discussions which keep the process moving in a circle. There have been interactions with other group members who have noticed that there is a difference in my attitude when I attend this meeting. I would say I need to do a better job of camouflaging my attitude while attending this meeting. I don't believe I can bypass my attitude without engaging the source.Personality appears to be the most relevant background factor in this situation. It appears that the chairperson has trained themselves to look for opportunities for improvement without regard for the documented process. I was trained to follow the documented process for repeatable, sustained results. I have conceded that the documented processes may be too restrictive for our purpose, but there is also a process to seek relief from said restriction. Situationally, I have determined that this could be a personality issue, at least on my part. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a popular method of measuring personality, revealed that I demonstrated a high tendency towards introversion. Some of the ways introverts are described include, more reserved, like to be alone and more focused.