
"The TIE programme is not a performance in schools of a self-contained play, a 'one off' event that is here today and gone tomorrow, but a co-ordinated and carefully structured pattern of activities, usually devised and researched by the company."This statement appears just in explaining how important the planning is that goes into such educational productions. Theorists developed the theory of Social Cognition in the 1940's however, it was not until 1962 that Social Cognition evolved from the Social Learning spectrum and was conceived as a theory by Albert Bandura. He viewed that children's behaviour was learnt from observing others, and they would develop a capacity to think about their actions from doing so. Consequently, we can understand using child development thesis, why TIE in schools seems to have proved successful in influencing the pupil's views and opinions. The ways in which a TIE theatre company develops play topic structure and performance style is key to engaging with their audiences. An example of this is Quicksilver Theatre Company's production of "Upstairs in the Sky". Just one of several plays written and directed by the artistic directors of the company for the purpose of educating children about specific issues they are faced with in life. This play encourages imaginative, interactive storytelling as well as dealing with the issues of friendship and loss. The theory of Social Cognition is relevant here is in drawing out an emotive response, in thinking about the actors' relationship as two friends, from observing them carrying out actions such as holding hands and smiling at each other. From this a child then concludes that this practice is correct, demonstrating the subtle control techniques a TIE performance can have over young mind, to benefit child behavioural patterns.