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我们的教育体系必须提供素质教育对我们的儿童和青少年,让他们意识到个人的潜力,为社会和国家的发展,创建一个巴基斯坦国家,公差的概念、社会公正、民主,他们基于区域和本地文化和历史的基本意识形态阐释宪法的巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国”。(巴基斯坦教育部(2009年)我们的政府没有足够的教育预算,因为我们的财政状况面临一些问题。政府无法开办新的学校,学院和大学,所以在我国很少有政府机构,所以人们不得不关心私人机构,以保持他们的教育,他们不得不面对沉重的教育支出。我们不能把这种缺陷归咎于任何政府,因为作为一个国家,我们正面临着一些严重的经济问题;我们没有足够的资产,除此之外,恐怖主义也在破坏经济。但好的一面是,政府正试图增加其教育预算,以满足国家的教育支出。所以一段时间后,我们可以改善我们的资源数量。此外,在农村和城市地区的机构数量也存在巨大的不平衡。巴基斯坦有16.3万所小学,其中只有4万所是为女孩开设的。其中15 000人在旁遮普省,13 000人在信德,8 000人在西北边境省(西北边境省),4 000人在俾路支省。”我们系统中的另一个问题是没有受过训练的老师,在这里我们没有这样的机制来训练老师。因为老师是建立整个社会的人。因此,他必须充分意识到他的责任,以便他可以培养文明和受过教育的公民。通过组织一个社区,教会教师如何行为、教什么以及教什么,这个问题可以得到解决。过时的课程也是一个主要问题。我们的教育专家必须充分了解世界上各个领域发生了什么,这样他们才能根据时间的需要更新课程。考试制度也面临着一些问题;在我们的制度中,班主任是一切和考试有关的一切。论文完全来自于教师在课堂上讨论过的教学大纲,但是在中间,论文是由不同的教育委员会制作的,不管在不同的学院教什么,教师、学生和各自的委员会之间的交流差距在学生心中引起了怀疑。通过压缩通信间隙,这一缺陷可能是根源。
Our education system must provide quality education to our children and youth to enable them to realize their individual potential and contribute to development of society and nation, creating a sense of Pakistani nationhood, the concepts of tolerance, social justice, democracy, their regional and local culture and history based on the basic ideology enunciated in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan." (Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan (2009)) Our government has not enough budgets for education as we are facing some problems in our financial condition. Government is unable to start new schools, colleges and universities so there is a very few number of government institutes in our country so people have to concern with the private institutes to keep their education going, where they have to face heavy expenditure of education. We cannot blame any government for this flaw because as a state we are facing some serious problems regarding our economy; we do not have enough assets and in addition to this, terrorism is also damaging the economy. But the good thing is that government is trying to increase its education budget to fulfill the educational expenditure of the country. So after some time we can have improved our number of resources. Also there is a huge unbalance in number of institutes in rural and urban area. "There are 163,000 primary schools in Pakistan, of which merely 40,000 cater to girls. Of these, 15,000 are in Punjab Province, 13,000 in Sind, 8,000 in North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) and 4,000 in Baluchistan." (Aamir Latif, Alarming situation by Aamir Latif ()) Another problem in our system is untrained teachers, here we have no such mechanism by using which we can train the teachers. Because teacher is the one who builds the whole society. So he must be well aware of his responsibilities so that he can cultivate civilized and educated citizens. By organizing a community which teaches the teachers that how to behave and teach and also what to teach, this problem can be resolved. Outdated course is also one the major problem. Our educational experts must be well aware of what is happening in the world regarding to every field so that they can update curricula according to the need of time. Examination system is also facing some problems; in our system, class teacher is all and all as for as examinations are concerned. Papers are completely from the syllabus which teacher has discussed in the class but after middle, papers are made by the different educational boards regardless of what is being taught in different institutes and the communication gap between teachers, students and the respective board causes doubt in student's mind. By compressing the communication gap, this flaw can be root caused.

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