英国格拉斯哥论文代写 焦点小组
Keywords:英国格拉斯哥论文代写 焦点小组

焦点小组的证词表明,竞选活动需要偏离占主导地位的个人主义呼吁,转向在集体一级合并活动的方法。个人主义运动方式的概念化缺乏对回收所嵌入的更广泛的社会结构的认识。Dutta-Bergman(2009)对卫生宣传运动奖学金的理论、方法和实践问题进行了批判性分析,发现了类似的结果。研究发现,竞选活动“个人主义”和“忽略了交际意义构建和协商的语境”(同上,第106页)。此外,哈格里夫斯还发表了一篇文章。指社会营销技术“过于个人主义,未能认识到社会关系、物质基础设施和环境在不同方面对社会实践表现的内在影响。”然而,发现沟通活动创造了空间对话人际关系不仅再一次强调因地制宜媒体消费的性质,但提供有用的见解”渗透的内心、人际、介导,集团和社区交流的水平(2009年Dutta-Bergman p.111)。类似地,先前的研究强调了将信息注入社会的好处,发现人际环境可以驱动关于媒体节目的对话(Valente等人,1996年在Dutta-Bergman, 2009年)。因此,在集体一级渗透信息是可持续的行为改变的重要必要条件,因为可以通过利用能力、利用利益攸关方的合作、协作和公众参与,以社区方式加强宣传运动。
英国格拉斯哥论文代写 焦点小组
Focus group testimonies indicate a need for campaigns to digress from the dominant individualistic appeals to an approach that incorporates activities at a collective level. The conceptualisation of an individualistic campaign approach lacked a cognisance of the wider social fabric that recycling is embedded in. Similar findings were found from a critical analysis of the theoretical, methodological, and practical issues in health communication campaign scholarship undertaken by Dutta-Bergman (2009). The study found campaigns ‘individualistic’ and ‘ignore the context within which communicative meanings are constructed and negotiated’ (ibid, p.106). Furthermore, an article published by Hargreaves . refers to evidence that social marketing techniques ‘are excessively individualistic and fail to appreciate the ways in which, variously, social relations, material infrastructures and context are intrinsic to the performance of social practices.However, the finding that communication campaign created the space for dialogue interpersonally once more highlights not only the ‘highly contextualized nature of media consumption’ but provides useful insight into ‘interpenetration of the intrapersonal, interpersonal, mediated, group, and community levels of communication’ (Dutta-Bergman 2009, p.111). Similarly, previous studies highlight the benefits of the infusion information into society finding that interpersonal contexts can drive conversations about media programs (Valente, et al., 1996 in Dutta-Bergman, 2009). Thus, the penetration of information at a collective level is an important requisite for sustainable behavioural change as campaigns can be strengthened with a community approach by drawing on capacities, harnessing stakeholder cooperation, collaboration and public participation.