
许多研究人员将注意力集中在玩耍作为一种重要的媒介,通过这些媒介,更年轻的孩子们发展了谈判的技巧,并相互理解。尤其是假装玩耍,维果斯基认为,这给孩子们提供了探索角色关系的机会,并获得了与他们“实际”发展水平相去甚远的社会技能、观点和文化角色。因此,假装玩耍是在ZPD中学习的一个很好的例子,因为孩子们正在为自己构建许多学习的可能性。当我们考虑到一般的同伴协作时,无论是在课堂内外,首先由rommetveit(1979)提出的无产阶级概念,被冈库(1998)引用,被认为是一种重要的机制,通过它,孩子们可以构建和交流彼此的理解。例如Stone(1993)将无产阶级描述为一种交流手段,通过这种手段,孩子们认为他们的伴侣可以分享他们的知识,因此,他们将会失去这些知识所蕴含的一些意义(引用inFaulkner和Woodhead, 1999)。反过来说,这是为了激励伙伴们测试彼此的含义和理解的假设,从而创造出一种对主体间性发展的氛围。
Many researchers focus on play as an important medium through whichyounger children develop skills in negotiating shared understandingswith each other. Pretend play, in particular, was seen by Vygotsky asproviding opportunities for children to explore role relationships andacquire social skills, perspectives and cultural roles that are far inadvance of their ‘actual' developmental level. Pretend play, thus,constitutes a good example of learning within the ZPD since childrenare constructing for themselves many possibilities for learning. Whenwe consider peer collaboration in general, whether inside or outsidethe classroom, the concept of prolepsis, first articulated byRommetveit (1979), cited in Goncu (1998), has been identified as animportant mechanism through which children construct and communicateunderstandings with each other. Stone (1993), for example, describesprolepsis as a communicative device whereby children take for grantedthat their partners share their knowledge and, therefore, will leaveimplicit some of the meaning embedded in that knowledge (cited inFaulkner and Woodhead, 1999). This, in turn, is said to motivatepartners to test out assumptions about each other's meanings andunderstandings, creating a climate for intersubjectivity to develop.