
The Owner's philosophy of teaching is very simple. It is simply to go beyond the standards, improving inappropriate behavior and communication skills. One needs heart and compassion to teach and reach children with special needs. Having the desire to get to know the students and actually listen to them is a major part of learning. The students respond better when they know others care, and care enough to watch their patterns and identify the times when they are not themselves and need help beyond the lesson for the day. The Owner's thoughts are what can one do to strengthen and improve one is to evolve as a teacher. Children are changing. Curriculum and techniques is changing. The world is changing, so for one to remain the same and not evolve with the changes of society and the people in it does not help children. The overall goal in education is to help children and in order to do that, one need to constantly reevaluate ones lessons, approach and delivery as a whole. As a teacher you learn so much from your peers, but one will continue to watch and learn from the students as well. It is honestly believed that one can make a difference in the life of a child, every day.