
Supporters of universal citizenship put the establishment new economic order forward as one of the moral duties of those in more affluent nations. In theory, the universalist claims of the third world for a fairer share of he world’s resources and indeed some repayment for the resources plundered during colonialism have some moral standing but are unlikely to ever come to fruition. Even if there was the political will to do so across a consensus of wealthier nations, an equal share out would remain logistically impossible. At the more basic level of an individual citizen lies the moral question does one put aside everything other than own basic necessities to attempt to provide some form of financial support for those in less affluent nations? With the sheer scale of poverty and deprivation across the globe, the actions of an individual citizen would be little more than a symbolic gesture. It can even be, rather harshly, argued that the misfortune of others is simply part of the existence of humanity and the risk of living and that a citizen living comfortably elsewhere has little moral obligation to take a personal moral stance to alleviate the suffering of others.