
儿童社会学的主要目标之一是提高和改善儿童的福利。这里的幸福可能指的是童年的各种因素,包括物质条件、孩子与家人、朋友和老师的关系的发展、身体和心理健康以及面对生活的恐惧。照顾儿童完整而具体的发展是社会的中心动机。影响童年质量的因素之一是贫困,尽管贫困是幸福的另一个方面。正是贫困导致了贫困的生活条件以及糟糕的童年经历。在欧洲国家,这一数字在儿童福利指数(child welfare index)中显得荒谬可笑,尤其是在英国。在29个欧洲国家中,英国在儿童福利指数中排名第24位。在健康、主观幸福感、教育和物质投入方面,英国是最后五个国家之一。然而,考虑到诸如住房、环境、人际关系等因素,英国以某种方式获得了一个中间位置。这个数字很好地描述了英国等发达国家的童年状况。同样,其他国家的指数如匈牙利、希腊、保加利亚也不太容易接受。因此,这些国家应该采取一些措施,以更好的方式建设童年。
One of the major objectives of sociology of children is enhancing and improving child’s well being. Well-being here may refer to various ingredients of childhood that includes the material conditions, development of relationship of a child with family, friends and teachers, physical and mental health and facing the fears of life. It is the central motive of society to take care of the complete and concrete development of childhood. One of the factors that have been affecting quality of childhood is poverty, though being a different aspect of wellbeing. It is the poverty that leads to poor living conditions along with deteriorated childhood experiences. In European countries the figure has been absurd in child wellbeing index, especially in case of UK. UK is the 24th country in child well being index, out of 29 European countries, listed. When it comes to health, subjective well being, education and material inputs, UK is one of the last five countries. However, taking into account the factors like housing, environment, relationships etc UK somehow manage to get a middle position. This figure very well describes the condition of childhood in advanced country like UK. Similarly, indexes of other countries are like Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria are not much acceptable. Hence, some steps are to be taken by these countries to construct the childhood in a better way.