
发现学习方法相对于传统学习方法的一大优点是它能够高度激励学生学习。发现学习之所以这样做,是因为它给了学习者机会去寻找满足他们天生好奇心的信息。探索学习给学生一个机会去探索他们的欲望,从而为他们自己创造一个更有吸引力的学习环境。更简单地说,发现学习让学习变得有趣(Schank & Cleary, 1994)。在由D.W.哈代(1967年)的一项研究中,学生们学习考古学和人类学的原则通过发现方法的一个考古挖掘的信息更好的组织者,更积极地学习的任务,且更有积极性,那些在传统的教,课的方法。这个例子很容易让我们看到,与仅仅阅读课本上的相同信息相比,学生们在挖掘几千年前的文物并得出结论时会更有乐趣。
A great advantage of the discovery learning method over traditional method is its ability to highly motivate students to learn. Discovery learning does this because it gives learners the opportunity to seek information that satisfies their natural curiosity. Discovery learning gives students an opportunity to explore their desires and therefore create a more engaging learning environment for themselves. To put it in simpler terms, discovery learning makes learning fun (Schank & Cleary, 1994). In a study done by D.W. Hardy (1967), the students learning the principles of archaeology and anthropology through the discovery method of an archaeological dig were better organizers of information, more active in the task of learning, and more highly motivated that those who were taught in a traditional, lecture method. This example makes it easy to see that students would have much more fun actually digging out artifacts from thousands of years ago and making conclusions, than they would if they were to just read the same information from a textbook.