
将钱投资到女孩的教育需要优先考虑发展中国家,要实现经济增长和繁荣,减少贫困。当女孩和妇女的教育,他们有更好的经济机会,提高工资的机会,证明他们的收入再投资到他们的家庭和社区。根据计划,加拿大的青年总结:全世界的女孩的2009状态,每增加一年的教育将以20-30%增加女孩的工资。当女人开始赚取更高的工资,他们能更好地帮助他们的家庭和社区。”妇女的工资的百分之九十返还给家庭,30至40%的男性相比。”(2009人)。当钱再投资于社区和家庭提供扶贫的必要手段。例如,它可能意味着更好的医疗保健和预防,所有的孩子和一个更好的生活方式,是安全的,无早期死亡教育的机会。将钱投资到女童教育将为发展中国家提供长期的宏观和微观经济效益。据Paul Schultz说,耶鲁大学的一位经济学和发展经济学教授,“在宏观经济层面,女孩的教育问题一直是最强大的“非传统”输入发现解释现代经济增长之谜”。进一步的经济效益包括增加国会并取得最大经济效益或社会输出。教育美国的全球活动,“国家能通过每年大约0.3%个百分点或3%在接下来的十年里提高人均经济增长,如果他们达到男女人数均等。”这个团体所说的是,如果政府和非政府组织如加拿大计划投资为女童教育,相当于男孩的国家的人们将经历经济增长。”…在女童教育的投资很可能是回报最高的投资在发展中国家使用。”(劳伦斯萨默斯前世界银行首席经济学家。)的经济增长是在发展中国家,政府在减少贫困的关键因素应该投入到女性教育因为它。
Investing money into girls' education needs to be a priority for developing countries that intend to achieve economic growth and prosperity and reduce poverty. When girls' and women are educated, they have better economic opportunities, chance for higher wages and have proven to re-invest their earnings back into their families and communities. According to Plan Canada's Youth Summary: The State of the World's girls 2009, each additional year of schooling will increase a girls' wages by 20-30%. When women begin to earn higher wages, they are better able to help their families and communities. "Ninety percent of women's wages are returned to the family, compared with 30 to 40 percent for men." (Scrivener 2009). When money is reinvested back into a community and family it provides the means necessary for alleviating poverty. For example, it could mean better health care and prevention, education opportunities for all children and a better lifestyle that is secure and free from early mortality. Investing money into girls' education will provide long-term macro and micro economic benefits for developing countries. According to Paul Schultz, a Professor of economics and development at Yale University, "At the macro economic level, schooling for girls had been the most powerful "nontraditional" input discovered to explain the puzzle of modern economic growth." Further economic benefits include, increasing capitol and maximizing economic efficiency or social output. The Global Campaign for Education states that, "Countries could raise per capita economic growth by about 0.3% percentage points per year or 3% in the next decade, if they attained parity in girls' and boys' enrollments." What this campaign is saying is that, if governments and NGOs like Plan Canada invest money into girls' education, to be equivalent to boys the countries people will experience economic growth. "… Investment in girls' education may well be the highest return investment available in the developing world."(Lawrence Summers former chief economist of the World Bank.) Economic growth is a key factor in reducing poverty in developing countries and governments should invest money into female education because of it.