
对因果的理论理解是正确的这个问题是不能完全回答的。教育研究领域的专业人士倾向于支持一种特定的观点;心理学、医学和社会学的观点之间存在着不同的观点,而从早期的理论演化而来的生态系统和人文主义等新观点进一步加剧了这一观点。正如Visser(2000)所指出的,大多数人都承认“这是一种视角的混合,可以为理解和解释这种行为提供洞见。”(p.33)。这一趋势可以从上文提到的SEBD的变化描述中看到(DfE 1994 & SEN法典2001),以及学校采用的行为困难的方法。自1975年以来,有一种趋势出现,即将操作条件作用和行为修正作为治疗儿童双相障碍的一种策略(Cooper 1999)。孩子们被视为做出了不行为的选择,通过使用行为方法,如后果和奖励,他们可以被教导想要行为,从而学习一种新的行为(Greene 2008)。从这个角度来看,病因学并不是考虑的因素,重点是实施一种奖励和后果系统,目的是减少不可接受的行为并鼓励对可接受行为的重新学习。
The question of which theoretical understanding of cause is the correct one cannot be fully answered. Professionals in the field of educational research tend to support a particular perspective; there are differences of opinion between psychological, medical and sociological perspectives, this is further compounded by newer perspectives such as eco-systemic and humanist which have evolved from earlier theories. As Visser (2000) notes most do acknowledge that "it is a mixture of perspectives which can provide insights into understanding and explaining that behaviour." (p.33). The trend for which cause can be seen in the changing descriptors given for SEBD as noted previously (DfE 1994 & SEN Code of Practice 2001) and also in approaches to behavioural difficulties adopted by schools. The trend towards a behavioural psychology approach of operant conditioning and behaviour modification as a strategy for treating children with SEBD has been seen since 1975 (Cooper 1999). Children are seen as making a choice not to behave and through use of behavioural approaches such as consequence and reward they can be taught to want to behave so a new behaviour is learnt (Greene 2008). From this perspective, aetiology is not a considered factor and emphasis is on implementing a system of rewards and consequences which aim to reduce unacceptable behaviour and encourage a re-learning of acceptable behaviour.