
rigorous training of Health & Safety Policy is provided to all members of staff who have different roles and responsibilities of; Fire, Child Protection and First Aid The school does an enhanced DBS for all staff and volunteers who come in contact with the school children. The school requires all potential employees/volunteers to have an induction, prior commencing to work. The induction covers all aspect of H&S policies. Appropriate Induction booklet, Keeping Children Safe in Education, ERSCB Safe School, Safe Children, Safe Staff code of conduct are handed to all as part of their induction training. After the induction, volunteers are expected to sign that they have understood the H&S School's policy in the presence of the trainer. The induction is done by the head teacher or one of the Assistant Head Teacher. In addition, all visitors to the school must sign and obtain a badge which permits their valid entry in the school. Signing the register also means that they have read and understood the safeguarding statements. The school admin is responsible for checking the visitors and maintaining their records. The school also contains various other H&S policies such as building, ground, Adventure playground, E-policy. Often school sends letters to parents via email about E-safety for parents and children.The PE policy covers all equipment/apparatus used in the school, should be checked by their respective coordinators or teachers before used by children in the school. Children use this equipment under the supervision of their teachers. Appropriate footwear, clothing is rigorously checked to ensure the safety of children during their PE lessons. The school caretaker also checks specific play area and Adventure playground daily; daily record sheet is maintained in the school. All electricals used in the classroom/school are stored away. Second-hand objects are prohibited to use in the school. All electrical equipment is PAT tested by the caretaker annually or as and when needed. Records of these test are monitored in H&S Report.