
Though assessment should be done, this can be done without having to put children through rigorous exams such as SAT's and additional tests such as CATS, mock SAT's and sometimes even weekly knowledge tests. One philosopher who backs up what I believe about assessment and tests is that of Sizer (2005) who is often identified as a "liberal" in education debates. He sides with educational progressives in advocating an active role for children and also opposes using tests as the determinant of school quality.The Cambridge Review calls for tests at the end of primary school- known as SAT's to be scrapped, and the review also criticised the testing system for making the curriculum too narrow. I agree that the curriculum is to narrow and that we should move away from this. For me I would like to see the curriculum being something that includes what children want to learn and is something that through the areas being studied children can expand on. As Sizer (2005) says "education should be a rich symphony, all kinds of instruments, tunes and trills." But instead it is "enthralled in the old ways, it only has one tune."