
联合国儿童基金会在柬埔寨开办了许多项目。在下面,我将展示两个重要的项目,联合国儿童基金会在柬埔寨运行2008。两年多前,联合国儿童基金会组织了一项名为“儿童基金会支持朋友帮助朋友”的项目,与艾滋病患者分享艾滋病的问题是一项非常艰巨的任务,特别是对偏远地区的儿童来说。在柴桢中心医院,谁的生活与艾滋病毒的儿童和他们的家庭的一个朋友帮助朋友每月一次收集,由国家艾滋病中心运行一个程序,皮肤病与性病感染与各合作伙伴的支持,包括联合国儿童基金会。加入这个计划最重要的一点不是去看医生,而是去见许多生活在类似条件下的孩子,分享他们的问题。在参与期间,医院的工作人员为每个孩子准备营养午餐,蔬菜,大米和水果。当他们走到一组喜欢的朋友帮助朋友,他们可以找到并满足其他家庭谁共享相同的问题,”联合国儿童基金会柬埔寨艾滋病毒/艾滋病的第haritiana rakotomamonjy头说。它还提供了一种感觉,他们并不孤单,他们仍然有许多其他人谁照顾他们,谁也有类似的问题,他们可以鼓励他们生活在希望和快乐比以前。此外,同时,它具有运行另一个程序称为“联合国儿童基金会儿童友好学校。”它在reachea nukol小学在偏远的上丁省做。它的目的是提供一个平等的机会,所有的孩子在一个安全和培育的环境。教师和照顾者的训练,了解儿童的情感需求,并鼓励这些孩子表达自己的想法和自信。在这个意义上,学生将能够以积极的方式学习。总之,这两个项目是非常重要的儿童在柬埔寨。我们可以看到,第一个计划可以鼓励孩子们像其他孩子一样过着正常的生活,尽管他们是HIV阳性儿童。这让他们觉得他们不是孤立的,他们不会感到绝望了。此外,第二个计划可以提高教育质量的儿童身体和精神。
UNICEF has run many programs in Cambodia. In the following, I will show two important programs that UNICEF has run in Cambodia in 2008. More than two years ago, UNICEF has run a program called "UNICEF-Supported Friends Helping Friends." sharing the problems of living with HIV/AIDS is a very difficult task to do, particularly for young children who live in remote area. At Svay Rieng Referral Hospital, children who live with HIV and their families gather once a month for 'Friends Helping Friends', a program run by the National Centre for HIV and AIDS, Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Infections with support from various partners, including UNICEF. The most important point of joining this program is not to see the doctor, but it would rather go to meet many children who are living in similar conditions and share to each other about their problems. During the participating, the hospital staffs prepare a nutritious lunch of vegetables, rice and fruit for every child. "When they come to a group like Friends Helping Friends, they can find and meet with other families who share the same problems," says UNICEF Cambodia HIV/AIDS Head of Section Haritiana Rakotomamonjy. It also provide the sense that they are not alone, they still have many other people who care for them and who have similar problems as them, which can encourage them to live with hope and more happy than before. Moreover, at the meantime, it has run another program called "UNICEF Child-Friendly Schools." It has done in Reachea Nukol Primary School in remote Stung Treng province. It aims to provide an equal opportunity for all children within a safe and nurturing environment. Teachers and caregivers are trained to understand the children's emotional needs and encourage those children to express their idea and feeling confidently. In this sense, students will be able to learn in a positive way. To conclude, these two programs are very important for children in Cambodia. As we can see that, the first program can encourage children to lead their lives into a normal way as the other children although they are HIV-positive children. It makes them feel that they are not isolated from the other and they won't feel hopeless anymore. Moreover, the second program can improve the quality of education for children both physically and mentally.