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该报告的主要目的是分析Aurizon,它属于行业。它主要侧重于战略管理事项Aurizon。该分析包括PESTEL、内部环境,以及行业环境和竞争对手。一个深刻的洞察将采取的战略使命和价值观,识别和讨论其长处,弱点,机会和威胁。在这个过程中,报告将以更详细的方式呈现。在报告结束时,将向董事会提出有关战略管理改进的建议。 Aurizon控股有限公司是一家在澳大利亚证券交易所上市的公司,排名前50位在澳大利亚经营业务的铁路和公路的运输和基础设施解决方案。原名QR国家,当煤、昆士兰铁路带来下一个旗帜散货和集装箱业务,它的成立。2012十二月,它更名为现在的名字。它致力于客户的运输方向具有成本效益,灵活和可靠的解决方案。每天,它通过澳大利亚运输成千上万吨的煤,铁矿石和其他矿物。中央昆士兰煤炭网,其中包括约2670km重载铁路基础设施,也是Aurizon管理下。除此之外,还提供专业服务,Aurizon铁路设计、工程、建设、管理和维护。 特别是成就了它仍然寻求Aurizon,大于未来已经成功。


 The main purpose of the report is to analyse the Aurizon, and the industry it belongs to. It mainly focuses on the Aurizon’s strategic management matters. The analysis would include pestel and internal environment, as well as the industry environment and its competitors. A deep insight would be taken into the strategic mission and its values, identifying and discussing its strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats . In this process, the report will present in a more detailed way. In the end of the report, recommendations will be put forward to the board of the company about the strategic management improvement.
    Aurizon Holdings Limited is a publicly top-50 ASX-listed company which runs in Australia the business of rail and road-based freight transport and infrastructure solutions. Formerly known as QR National, when coal, bulk and containerised business of Queensland Rail brought under one banner, it was established. In December 2012, it rebranded its name as it is now. It dedicates to the customers’ freight right direction with cost-effective, flexible and reliable solutions. Every day, it transport thousands of tons of coal, iron ore and other minerals through out the Australia. The Central Queensland Coal Network, which consists of approximately 2,670km of heavy haul rail infrastructure, is also under the administration of Aurizon. Apart from these, Aurizon also offers specialist services in rail design, engineering, construction, management and maintenance.
    Extraordinarily as the accomplishments Aurizon has made, it still seeks more than the already success in the future.

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