
谜语,凯佩尔,卖家(2010)认为,创新的学习空间,如专用的空间,高校投资的今天,应该支持建构主义的学习方法和支持以学生为中心的学习,协作和经验。通常空间都不考虑学生的学习和舒适的设计建造,以及成功和在一个特定的项目的学生保留。设计良好的教学和建筑原则,适当的社会需求环境的建立提供了学者们建立新的伙伴关系和新的教育机会的新机遇(Blackmore et al,2011)。然而,埃尔莫尔(2007)指出,这意味着专注于改变包括教学实践来支持学习环境与学生需求的目的和理性。目前有很多研究看着学生从中学到大学的过渡(约翰逊,约翰逊,法伦加和性(2005);斯里特2008;蔡克纳2008, 2010)然而,研究领域在传统教学法的使用和在大学表明需要改变学习空间(Zeichner 2010),deecd授权的学习空间和学习成果之间的关系:一个文献综述(Blackmore等人。2010)得出的结论,而建设新空间的投资是基于健全的建筑教育的校长,很少有证据表明连通性来改善学生的学习,怎样的空间被教师、学生和社区的实践意义,以及他们对社会不同群体的学生有什么影响。接下来的问题是如何治理社区和高等教育与学习、教学和空间?寺(2008)表明这是根据研究的领域之一,可以在大学的保留和享受学生有意义。常常是,大学和建筑师认为人们认为他们的建筑是不支持在大学的工作人员和学生实际上是问(2008圣殿)。以学生为中心的课程而不是物理环境对大学设计往往侧重于问题的教学方法(2008圣殿)。一些作家已经指出,教学和学习应该驱动设计,而不是相反(贾米森等人。2000;贾米森2003)。
Souter, Riddle, Keppell, Sellers (2010) suggest that innovative learning spaces such as the purpose built spaces that universities are investing in today, should support a constructivist approach to learning and support student centred learning that is collaborative and experiential. Often spaces are built for design without considering the learning and comfort of the students, as well as the success and retention of students in a particular program. Designing built environments on sound pedagogical and architectural principles that are appropriate to community needs provides new opportunities for academics to create new partnerships and new pedagogical possibilities (Blackmore et al, 2011). However, Elmore (2007) indicates that this means focusing on the purpose and rational for change which include teaching and learning practices to support the learning environment and student needs. Currently there is a lot of research looking at the transition of students from secondary to university (Johnson, Johnson, Farenga & Ness (2005); Sleeter 2008; Zeichner 2008, 2010) however the area of research looking at the use of traditional pedagogy and learning spaces at university show that there is a need for change (Zeichner 2010).The DEECD authorised The Connections between Learning Spaces and Learning Outcomes: A Literature Review (Blackmore et al. 2010) which concluded that while the investment of building new spaces has been based on sound architectural and educational principals, there was little evidence that showed the connectedness to improved student learning, and how the spaces were used by teachers, students and communities pedagogically, as well as what effect they had on different student social groups. The question then is how does community and governance in higher education relate to learning, teaching and space? Temple (2008) suggests that this is an under researched area and one that may have significance in retention and enjoyment of students at university. Often what universities and architects think people think about their buildings is unsupported when university staff members and students are actually asked (Temple 2008). Student-centred approach to university design often focus on issues of pedagogy and the curriculum rather than the physical environment (Temple 2008). Some writers have noted that teaching and learning should drive design, rather than visa versa (Jamieson et al. 2000; Jamieson 2003).