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英国人力资源作业代写 外部招聘

Keywords:英国人力资源作业代写 外部招聘

外部招聘将组织与“大量的潜在候选人联系起来,公司可以从中筛选和选择”。Anytime Fitness应该考虑使用职业介绍所、在线招聘方法、印刷出版物或职业活动。职业介绍所拥有大量有技能的求职者的数据库。例如,像里德这样的机构,有为健身和健康行业寻找员工的经验,并接受过寻找最佳人才的培训。使用代理可能是昂贵的,但它允许公司集中精力经营业务。这家健身中心可以考虑在诸如“Indeed”或“Totaljobs”这样的求职公告栏上刊登广告。成千上万的求职者都在使用这些在线平台。有了如此多的候选人,该平台将通过地理位置、工作类型和薪水等因素,将高技能的候选人与健身经理职位匹配起来。使用在线招聘方法将有利于健身中心,因为一个工作职位版块可以让“猎头”的候选人,工作台的简历数据库寻找一个适当的比赛虽然有很多好处使用在线招聘,缺点是雇主倾向于抱怨大量不合格的申请者来自于在线广告随时随地健身还应该考虑更新他们的网站招聘用途。网站的内容,外观和导航都是招聘最好的重要。研究表明,更新公司网站的结果“对潜在申请者的吸引力显著提高”。招聘过程的下一步是确定招聘的选择技术。选择过程包括应用适当的技术和方法来确定职位的合适人选。Anytime Fitness应该根据一套公认的与职位相关的标准来评估每个候选人。
英国人力资源作业代写 外部招聘
External recruitment connects the organisation to a “larger mass of potential candidates, from which the firm can screen and select”. Anytime Fitness should look into using an Employment Agency, online recruitment methods, printed publications or career events. An Employment agency have large databases of skilled candidates. An agency like Reed for example, have experience of finding workers for the fitness and health industry and are trained to find the best talent. Using an agency can be costly however it allows the company to concentrate on running the business. The Fitness centre could consider job boards such as “Indeed” or “Totaljobs” to host their adverts. There are thousands of job seekers who are engaged with these online platforms. With such a vast array of candidates, the platform will match highly skilled candidates to the Fitness manager role through factors such as location, job type and salary. Using online recruitment methods would benefit the fitness centre because a job board could allow ‘headhunting’ of candidates whereby searching the job board’s CV database for an appropriate match Although there are lots of benefits for using online recruiting, a disadvantage is that employers tend to complain about the abundance of unqualified applicants which come from online advertising Anytime Fitness should also look into updating their website for recruiting purposes. The website content, appearance and navigability are all important for recruiting the best. Research has suggested that updating a companies’ website results in “significantly higher attraction by prospective applicants”.The next step of the recruitment process is to identify selection techniques for hiring. The selection process involves the application of appropriate techniques and methods to identify the right person for a position. Anytime Fitness should assess individual candidates against a set of agreed criteria which are deemed relevant to the post .

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