
这是一个问题,二十多年前的Ray Honeyford提出的,它仍然是一个问题,需要解决地今天。1982,布拉德福德理事会发布了教育目标指导方针。这些包括:准备在一个多元文化的社会中生活的孩子;反对种族主义和歧视的不平等;发展文化和语言多样性的优势;而对少数群体的需求。Ray Honeyford在布拉德福德中学班主任,他担心的是,教育政策,他预计将实现行不通。他认为布拉德福德的伊斯兰移民人口中有20%的人打算留在英国。为了他们的利益和他人的利益,他们应该充分参与英国的生活,为了有效地进行他们的教育,必须强调英语的重要性,以及英国的文化、历史和传统。(Dalrymple,2002)1984、Honeyford写了一篇文章,被泰晤士报教育副刊,后被极右的索尔兹伯里发表评论。事实上,正是这种出版物是传播的第一种方法意味着很多读者,无疑会影响文章本身的后续解释。在“教育和种族的另一种观点“哈尼福德(2006)认为,语言的堕落(他在语言学硕士)在种族和文化问题也不可能说实话我们这个日益多元化的社会中被抛出问题和现实。他强调,将所有非白人为一类,是“黑”,创造了一个二分法的反白人团结。我们今天称之为“其他”的东西。他最关心的是强加的多元文化心态对学生教育的影响。英国法律要求父母保证他或她的孩子注册和参加学校定期。他认为,亚洲家庭倾向于把孩子带出学校,并把他们送到次大陆一段时间,这不仅是非法的,而且有明显的负面教育效果。教育与科学部的视而不见离开班主任,像Honeyford一样,遵守基于父起源国考勤制度。他发现这是站不住脚的,把它作为一个“官方认可的政策歧视。”(哈尼福德,2006)哈尼福德进一步强调英语的情况下,在学校教学的主要语言留下的“民族白”在他的学校教育弱势学生。他更关注的是如何以其少数民族聚居区的生产城市功能和多种族教育政策可以产生一个整体的和谐社会。他总结说:“我怀疑这些因素,远不利于产生和谐,实际上是在运作,以产生分裂和不和谐的感觉。我不再相信,妥协的英国天才,为得过且过虽然和善良宽容将足以解决不可避免的冲突。”(哈尼福德,2006)
This was a question that was raised by Ray Honeyford more than twenty years ago and it is still a question that warrants addressing thoughtfully today. In 1982 Bradford Council issued guidelines for its aim in education. These included: preparing children for a life in a multicultural society; countering racism and the inequalities of discrimination; developing the strengths of cultural and linguistic diversity; and responding to the needs of minority groups.Ray Honeyford was a headteacher in a Bradford middle school and he was concerned that the educational policies he was expected to implement were unworkable. He argued that the 20% of Bradford's Islamic immigrant population had intentions to remain in Britain. For their sake and for the sake of others, they should participate fully in British life, and that in order to do so effectively their education needed to stress the primacy of the English language, and British culture, history and traditions. (Dalrymple, 2002) In 1984, Honeyford wrote an article that was rejected by The Times Educational Supplement before being published by the far right Salisbury Review. The fact that it was this publication that was the first method of transmission connoted a lot to its readers and no doubt would have influenced the subsequent interpretation of the article itself. In "Education and Race - an Alternative view" Honeyford (2006) suggested that the perversion of language (he had a Masters in linguistics) around race and cultural issues had made it impossible to speak honestly about the concerns and realities that our increasingly diverse society was throwing up. He highlighted that lumping together all non-whites into one category that was "black" created a dichotomy of anti-white solidarity. What we, today, call "other"-ing. His primary concern was the impact of an imposed multicultural mindset on the education of his students. British law obliges a parent to ensure that his or her child is registered and attends school regularly. He argued that the tendency for Asian families to take their children out of school and send them to the sub-continent for months at a time was not only illegal but had obvious negative educational effects. The Department of Education and Science turned a blind eye leaving headteachers, like Honeyford, to comply with an attendance policy based on the parent's country of origin. He found this indefensible and cast it as an "officially sanctioned policy of racial discrimination." (Honeyford, 2006) Honeyford further highlighted that the absence of English as a primary language of instruction at the school left the "ethnic white" minority students in his schools educationally disadvantaged. His broader concern was how the functioning of inner cities with its production of ethnic ghettos, and multi-racial educational policies could produce an integrated and harmonious society. He concluded: "I suspect that these elements, far from helping to produce harmony, are, in reality, operating to produce a sense of fragmentation and discord. And I am no longer convinced that the British genius for compromise, for muddling though, and for good natured tolerance will be sufficient to resolve the inevitable tensions." (Honeyford, 2006)