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英国教育学作业代写 哲学道德教育

Keywords:英国教育学作业代写 哲学道德教育

他认为,人们通过这样做可以更好地学习,这与玛丽亚·蒙台梭利的哲学相似。亚里士多德说:“凡是我们必须学会做的事,我们都是通过实际的行动来学习的……我们通过做正义的事而变得公正,通过做有节制的事而变得有节制,通过做勇敢的事而变得勇敢”(亚里士多德·尼各纳山伦理学,第二卷,第91页)。我同意这种说法,因为我坚信,我们通过实际行动吸收了更多的知识。这种学习是由理性来补充的,这涉及到教授“事物的原因”。(亚里士多德:《尼各尼察伦理学》,第二卷,第91页)。亚里士多德关于道德发展的概念是,道德美德既是通向实践智慧或良好判断的智力美德的必要步骤,也只有通过获得这些知识美德才能完成(Curren, R. 2000, 202-204页)。亚里士多德还强调教育对公民和国家的重要性。一个国家的福利只有在这个国家的公民是善良的,有道德的,有品行的,过着最好的生活的时候才能实现。自然,习惯和思维呈现的三个因素是人好,道德(KaradayıTalip。2013)。亚里士多德认为教育很重要的人来培训,教他所以他获得道德和知识美德,开发所需的良好的判断力自治和参与政治规则,学会享受大自然的优秀活动占据一个好的生活。亚里士多德伦理学的目的是让我们反思如何在社会中实现伦理生活。对亚里士多德来说,伦理学是建立良好行为的规则的公式化(Baykent, U.O. 2016)。亚里士多德把幸福定义为其他一切都被渴望的东西。“尤其是幸福被认为是无条件的完全的,因为我们总是为幸福本身而选择幸福,而不是为其他任何东西而选择幸福”(Baykent, U.O. 2016)。我同意,因为幸福是最高的目标。幸福的活动与美德一起发生,这是教育与伦理的连接点。亚里斯多德认为,人们应该接受这样的教育,以享受美德的行为。亚里士多德认为幸福是我们的最高目标(Baykent, U.O. 2016)。他认为幸福的概念包括生活得好和做得好。他还认为“幸福”是人类最终的善。他认为,“美德”有助于稳定幸福,因此,为了确保幸福,我们需要知道相关的美德是什么。亚里士多德还认为,真正的幸福需要品格和思想的美德。但总体而言,亚里士多德认为,幸福是一种理解一件事物的特征功能,人们可以理解它的本质。
英国教育学作业代写 哲学道德教育
He believed that people learn better by doing this is similar to Maria Montessori’s philosophy. Aristotle states that “Anything that we have to learn to do we learn by the actual doing of it… We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate ones, brave by doing brave ones” (Aristotle Niconachean Ethics, Book II, p.91). I agree with statement because I strongly believe that we take more knowledge in by actually doing it. Such learning is complemented by reason and this involves teaching ‘the causes of things’. (Aristotle Niconachean Ethics, Book II, p.91).  Aristotle’s conception of moral development is that the moral virtues are both a necessary step towards, and only completed by, the acquisition of the intellectual virtue of practical wisdom or good judgment (Curren, R. 2000 pp. 202–204). Aristotle also emphasises the importance of education both for citizens and for the state. The welfare of the state can be realised only if the citizens of that state are good, virtuous, having moral characters, leading the best life. The nature, habit and mind are the three factors that render people good and moral (Karadayı, Talip. 2013). Aristotle believed that it was important to educate someone which was to train and teach him so he acquires the moral and intellectual virtues, to develop good judgment needed for self-governance and participation in political rule, and learns to take pleasure in the excellent activities with which a good life is occupied. The aim of Aristotle’s ethics is to give us a reflected understanding of how we can achieve an ethical life within society. For Aristotle ethics is the formulation of the rules that establish good conduct (Baykent, U.O. 2016).  Aristotle defines happiness as something for which everything else is desired. “Happiness in particular is believed to be complete without qualification, since we always choose it for itself and never for the sake of anything else” (Baykent, U.O. 2016).  I agree because happiness is the highest goal of all. The activity of happiness takes place together with virtues, this is the linking point between education and ethics. Aristotle believed that men should be educated in such a way to take pleasure in virtuous acts. Aristotle claims that happiness is our highest goal (Baykent, U.O. 2016). He believes that the concept of happiness involves in living well and doing well. He also believed that “happiness” is the ultimate human good. He argues that “virtuous” helps to stabilise happiness so therefore we need to know what the relevant virtues are, in order to secure happiness. Aristotle also argues that true happiness requires virtues of character and thought. But overall Aristotle says that happiness is the understanding the characteristic function of a thing that one can understand its essence.

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