
What are some ways to improve our relationships? Research says that for a satisfying relationship, there should be five positive behaviors for every one negative and that unsatisfying relationships have only one positive behavior for every negative (Floyd.) In my personal relationship, my time together with my boyfriend is focused on forming at least five of those positive behaviors. Most days, we have many more than five positive behaviors for every one negative behavior, and I believe that does directly correlate with happiness in our relationship. Sorgen, on her WebMD feature says “It’s the rare couple that doesn’t, sooner or later, run into a few bumps in the road.” According to Sorgen, to improve communication, couples should do the following: make time, set up rules, listen to each other, and make sure to argue in private if you can’t keep your voice down. I feel like my relationship follows these guidelines. We make sure no matter how busy we are, we find time to spend together, and talk subjects out, if we need to. If we do get into arguments, we have rules, so we don’t become too mean. We also try our best to listen to each other whether we disagree or not, and we definitely don’t make a scene in public. Personally, being sensitive to another’s emotions and feelings is important to do; that is a problem I have in my relationship. When he doesn’t agree with what I am saying, he becomes rude. I am an emotional girl, and my feelings are hurt easily and he knows what to say to get me to stop talking. It would help us a lot if he would calm down when I get emotional, and talk calmly instead of getting angry. This would prevent us from saying words we don’t mean. Sometimes, when I am emotional for a serious reason, he fails to take my emotions seriously, and says something to upset me more. “Why do we become emotional when we do? The most common way in which emotions occur is when we sense, rightly or wrongly, that something that seriously affects our welfare, for better or worse, is happening or about to happen..” (Ekman 19.) Although my boyfriend may be somewhat emotionally insensitive, he does apologize afterwards if he hurts my feelings, which means a lot to me.