
研究表明,个人在处理信息的方式上与他们的学习者特征不同。它还表明了11个维度的学习者特征。Lynna J. Ausburn和Floyd B. Ausburn(1978)采用了一种新的教学设计方法,强调了认知风格作为学习者特征的重要性。指出认知风格是稳定的,抗拒改变通过培训和熊小与一般能力,作者提倡协助学习者的信息加工模式不兼容任务涉及明确地了解变更的任务要求学习者有困难。因此,本研究提出设计培训,以适应学习风格,通过三步教学设计方案,使之超越个别指导,以个性化教学。这样的计划会使学习者之间的差异不会导致学习上的差异。
Research suggests that individuals differ in the way they process information due to their learner characteristics. It also suggests the presence of 11 dimensions of learner characteristics. Lynna J. Ausburn and Floyd B. Ausburn (1978) use a fresh approach to instructional design and emphasize the importance of cognitive style as a learner characteristic. Noting that cognitive styles are stable, resistant to change by training and bear little relation to general ability, the authors advocate assisting the learner whose information processing pattern is not compatible with the task to be learned by involving explicit alteration of the task requirement with which the learner is having difficulty. Therefore, the study proposes to design the training so as to accommodate learning styles by a three-step instructional design plan with which to move beyond individual instruction to individualized instruction. Such a plan would allow for differences in learners to not result in differences in learning.