
惠普的一些环境声明可以被解释为陈词滥调。该公司声称,它希望节约的资源比它消耗的更多(惠普2011)。令人担忧的是,提供这样的声明很容易。然而,要评估他们如何将更多的储蓄用于消费,却更加困难。这是因为,尽管材料得到保护,但环境可接受的再制造方案仍然需要能源消耗。在实践中,惠普的政策可能比其报告所传达的政策更糟糕。这是因为供应商可能被迫遵守该公司的标准。占主导地位的跨国公司(如惠普)与其供应商之间存在权力关系。计算机部件的国际采购使得供应商容易受到惠普主导采购政策的影响(Wetherly et al. 2011)。在企业社会责任报告中,这些权力关系往往会被忽视,因为企业希望以一种有利的方式来描述自己。企业社会责任政策受到了批评。对于许多企业来说,企业社会责任政策的制定一直难以实施(Birchall和Cook 2006)。然而,这些批评一般不应针对惠普,因为其企业社会责任报告中包含的细节水平。可以说,他们为社会做出了诚实的贡献。该报告超越了弗里德曼倡导的守法原则。与最低限度的法律遵守相比,所提供的细节具有更高的标准。
Some of Hewlett Packard’s environmental statements can be interpreted as platitudes. The company claims that that it wants to conserve more resources than it consumes (Hewlett Packard 2011). The concern is that it is easy to provide such statements. However, it is more difficult to assess how they are going to conserve more than they consume. This is because environmentally acceptable re-manufacturing programmes will still require energy consumption despite the conservation of the materials.Hewlett Packard may have worse polices, in practice, than those conveyed by its report. This is because suppliers could be forced to comply with the company’s standards. There are power relationships between dominant multi-national companies, such as Hewlett Packard, and their suppliers. The international sourcing of computer components has left suppliers vulnerable to the dominant buying policies at Hewlett Packard (Wetherly et. al. 2011). These power relationships will tend to be overlooked, in corporate social responsibility reports, because companies will want to portray themselves in a favourable light.Corporate social responsibility policies have been criticised. The development of CSR policies have been difficult to implement for many firms (Birchall and Cook 2006). However, these criticisms should, generally, not be directed at Hewlett Packard due to the level of detail contained in its CSR report. Arguably, they have made an honest corporate attempt to contribute to society . The report goes beyond the legal compliance advocated by Friedman. The detail provided is of a superior standard when compared to a minimum level of legal compliance.