
公司以服务为基础,需要即时服务。这个行业喜欢快速的服务。它指的是工作场所的文化、设施等。政治变量包括公司区域;例如,评估安排,工作法则和自然法则。它同样也包括管理部门需要提供或应该提供的商品和企业。因此,政府对一个国家的健康、教育和基础设施有很大的影响。在新西兰的许多地区都引进了社区保安或街道保安,私人保安行业还有相当大的发展空间。副总理社区更新办公室认为社区管理员的概念是成功的,该办公室在2000年到2005年期间帮助资助了一些计划(Al-Jabi, Muhannad, & Diab, 2017)。在研究这一因素的过程中,我得到了一些关于组织的信息,比如在哪些方面需要改进,比如机器、员工、产品等,这将有助于组织实现未来的目标。雇员-他们填写了调查问卷,以审查工作条件和服务的类型。我和员工以及公司的一位前员工制定了一个会议计划,以了解公司的内部环境,了解员工的行为,以及他们之间相互了解的程度。
The company is service based which need to be instant. The industry favors speedy services. It means the workplace culture, facilities etc. Political variables include corporate zones; for example, assess arrangement, work law and natural law. It likewise incorporates merchandise and enterprises which the administration needs to provide or be provided. Therefore, government has great influence on the health, education and infrastructure of a nation. Neighborhood Wardens or Street Wardens have been introduced in many areas of New Zealand, and there is considerable scope for more contracts for the private security industry. The concept of Neighborhood Wardens has been judged successful by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Neighborhood Renewal Unit, which is helping to finance some of the schemes between 2000 and 2005 (Al-Jabi, Muhannad, & Diab, 2017). While researching on this factor I got some information about organization like in which part the things to be improved like machines, staff, products and many others which will help to organization to reach their future goal.Employees- Questionnaires have been filled by them to review the types of work conditions and services. I made a meeting plan with employees and also with one ex- employees of this company to get the know the internal environment of this organization about the behavior of the staff, how much they understand to each other and many other.