Example of plagiarism, John is undergraduate subject coordinator on intro to programming. The projects require students to submit code with design, implement, and test and debug programs using C++ language (programming language). John knows that students can get code from internet, friends or buy from websites rather than create own code. So he creates an assignment to reduce the opportunities to copy from internet and not doing their work. It is important to that projects will help to build the basic knowledge of programming. Amy was one of John’s colleagues; she asks if she can test her shared code on john’s student assignments john agrees. John thinks his students did their assignments their own, but Amy’s program find 15% of the students copied code from classmates.Sometime, programming assignments have certain common ways to solve the problem. So that didn’t mean that they copied from each other or get from internet because at the beginning level class they don’t have enough knowledge about the ways that they can approach the same solution. But it didn’t mean that students didn’t copied form internet or other students. It’s all depend how accurate Amy program is, if program just looking same character that found in the students assignment than their might chance that students copied, but if programming testing on the algorithms than it’s all depend on the requirements of the assignment. Because if professor assign that student have to includes technique than sure it will be large number will display.