英国莱斯特作业代写 产品营销

英国莱斯特作业代写 产品营销
Furthermore I will be conducting a comp report for my secondary research as they are important; according to kexin (2018) The aim of a comp report is to understand other brands which are similar to you and to look at what they are marketing, this is important as you know how high to set your prices, what types of products sell in this particular area and allowing you to gather impactful assets. This will benefit me as I want to look into high end sustainable fashion as I have not seen many designers out there doing this, therefore I will be looking at this particular area in order for me to gain knowledge and insight, as a result of this I can then have an idea of material, trims, fastenings and finishes in order to obtain an high end look.Primary research allows you to gather a substance of distinctive data which will make you more informed as you can use other means to control your outcome and statistics (Crowder, 2015) this allows me to use physical research such sampling as I think it is Important to have examples of what you are researching about, this benefits me as I am able to focus my attention and see the process a lot clearer which is vital with primary research. Relating back to last semesters work I had started to develop my sampling skills which was very beneficial, therefore I will be focusing a lot on sampling methods as I believe this gives you a deeper understanding of the overall work.Initial ideas cannot go any further without the combination of secondary and primary reasrch as both are need in order for the development process to begin stated Howard (2017). This process lets designers Ideas come together and allows new ones to develop, I will be doing this using mood boards to construct my findings from museums as this utilises my research as my findings will be mostly picture based, however I will be adding important information onto this as this will be crucial in order to progress my concept. At this stage I will be broadening my final outcome plans as each step will spark new inspiration which then would allow me to further my research and get the most out of each area.
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