
此外,在讨论对动物的关注如何改变传记的概念时,必须考虑传记写作的目的。奈杰尔·汉密尔顿探讨了传记的历史,提供了进化论传记及其目的的证据。他提出,“它对我们的知识和理解做出了至关重要的贡献”,[11]是一本传记最大的功能,尤其是对过去文明的参考。读者在阅读任何一本传记时所获得的知识和理解是大多数传记写作的目的,包括斯默茨。“我学到了很多东西,我可以自信地把它们写成科学发现。”尽管斯梅茨对传记的概念采取了不同的方法,但她的作品并没有改变传记的最终功能,即告知读者另一个人的生活。有一种观点认为,动物传记与传统传记没有区别,因为有些东西需要从独特的角度去学习和理解。如果人们重视汉密尔顿对传记的定义,认为它提供了知识,那么斯默茨的《反思》也不例外,因为她对狒狒的生活提供了深刻的见解。聂鲁达的《狗颂》(Ode to The Dog)也探讨了人与动物之间的关系,试图在人和宠物之间建立一种统一。聂鲁达通过他的语言和叙述的声音实现了这一点,从一个人到另一个人,可以从他频繁使用的名词中观察到,比如“我们”和“人与狗”。[13]记叙文对ode的影响是读者如何遵循ode,使用第一人称记叙文为读者分配声音,并鼓励个人阅读ode。这一点很重要,因为聂鲁达能够把自己对动物和人类关系的想法和感受投射到读者身上。
Furthermore, in discussion to how a focus on animals changes the concept of biography one must consider the purpose of biography writing. Nigel Hamilton explores the history of biography, providing evidence of evolutionary biography and its purpose. He proposes, ‘its crucial contribution to our knowledge [and] understanding’[11]is the biggest function of a biography especially in reference to past civilization. The knowledge and understanding readers obtain when reading any biography is a purpose for most biography writing, including Smuts. This is evident in the particular line, ‘I learned much that I could confidently report as scientific findings,’[12] giving insight into the function of the biography. Although, Smuts has taken on a different approach to the idea of biography her work does not change the ultimate function of a biography, which is to inform readers the life of another. There is an argument that animal focused biography does not differ from the traditional biography, because something remains to be learnt and understand but from a unique perspective. If one were to value Hamilton’s definition of a biography providing knowledge, then Smuts’ ‘Reflection’ is no different because she offers insight to the life of a baboon. The subject of human and animal relationship is similarly explored in Neruda’s ‘Ode to the Dog’ which seeks to form a unity between a man and his pet. Neruda achieves this through his language and narrative voice, which switches from one individual to another and can be observed in his frequent noun choices such as, ‘we’ and ‘man and dog.’[13] The effect narrative voice has on the ode is how readers follow the ode, using a first-person narrative assigns voice to the reader and encourages a personal reading of the ode. This is important because Neruda is able to project his own thoughts and feelings in regard to animal and human relationship onto the reader.