
这是一次非常典型的旅行。这位母亲后来打电话宣布,她的决定已经完成,她的孩子们将在下周一开始上学。那是两年前的事了。她的两个孩子现在一个三岁,一个五岁,仍然在我的学校做全职。这两个孩子都在西部的设施,容纳较大的孩子:较大的幼儿园,学前教育,Jr-K, K,和放学后的教室/计划。她的孩子在学业和社交方面都很出色。然而,两年后,她的担忧转向了学术准备。她和我约好一起复查她从邻居那里收到的俄亥俄州Pre K标准。我们一个半小时的会议包含了一些例子,这些例子展示了如何在不使用纸/笔、钻子、技能工作表和评估工具的情况下实现、满足和掌握这些标准。虽然我们的理念没有改变,她也没有希望她的孩子们玩得开心,但是对在学校成功的恐惧已经潜入了这位母亲的思想。每天走在她儿子和女儿的教室里,看着孩子们搭建积木,做戏剧表演,用沙子和水,在艺术站工作,让她确信孩子们确实很开心,但是他们在学习什么呢?她怎么能确定他们会为“上学”做准备呢?
This is very much a typical tour. The mother called later to announce that her decision was complete and her children would be starting the next Monday. That was two years ago. Her children still attend my school full time, now ages three and five. Both kids are in the West facility that houses older children: older Preschool, Pre K, Jr-K, K, and after school classrooms/program. Her children are thriving academically and socially. Yet, two years later, her concern shifted to academic readiness. She made an appointment with me to review the Ohio Pre K standards which she received from her neighbor. Our hour-and-half hour meeting consisted of examples of just how these standards are being implemented, met, and mastered without the use of paper/pencil, drill, skill worksheets, and assessment tools. Although our philosophy has not changed, nor has her desire for her children to have fun, the fear of success in school has crept into this mom’s thinking. Walking through her son’s and daughter’s classrooms daily and observing kids building blocks, doing dramatic play, using sand and water, and working at art stations, reassures her that the kids are indeed having fun, but what are they learning? How can she be sure they will be prepared for “school?”