
作为全球化的结果,当今世界面临着技术革命。在最短的时间内,许多高科技或被称为“高科技”的东西和服务正在被发明和开发。高科技意味着目前最先进的技术,最前沿的技术。电脑、电视的介绍,互联网、收音机、笔记本电脑、电子书、电子邮件和更多高科技的东西使学习过程更方便。高科技产品和服务的发明和发展对教育工作者尤其有用。教育工作者更容易与他们的学习者交流、交流和分享知识,不仅在他们的特定课堂上,而且在世界上任何一个学习者。这一现象的出现,导致世界范围内的每一个人都可以轻易地从世界的另一个角落获取来自世界各地的知识。基于吉登斯,他指出“即时电子通讯不仅仅是新闻或信息传递得更快”(1999,第11页)。吉登斯还补充说,电子通讯的存在对穷人和富人的生活都有很大的影响和影响。作为即时通讯的结果,教育现在可以很容易地访问和转让,正如著名的谚语所说的“教育是现在每个人的手指尖”。这是由阿卜杜勒拉扎克支持(2011,p. 62)中,他提到“技术的出现彻底改变介导的学习的教学和学习的过程”。据他说,通过高科技手段进行的技术中介学习有助于向全世界数百万人分发信息和知识(2011)。
As the result of globalisation, the world nowadays has faced the dramatic revolution of technology. In the shortest amount of time, lots of high technology or also known as 'high tech' stuff and services are being invented and developed. High tech means the most advanced technology currently obtainable, the technology that is at the cutting edge. The introduction of computers, television, internets, radios, notebooks, e-books, email and a lot more high tech stuff has made learning process more convenient. The invention and evolvement of the high tech stuff and services are especially useful for educators. It is easier for the educators to teach, transfer and share the knowledge with their learners not only in their specific classroom, but with any learners in the world. The emergence of this leads to the smaller globe of education where everyone from any part of the world could access the knowledge provided from another part of the world easily. Based on Giddens who points out that "instantaneous electronic communication is not just a way in which news or information is conveyed more quickly" (1999, p. 11). Giddens further adds that the existence of the electronic communication modifies and gives a lot of impacts to both rich and poor people's life. As result of instantaneous communication, education is now can be easily accessible and transferrable as the famous saying goes 'education is now at the tips of everyone's fingers'. This is supported by Abdul Razak (2011, p. 62) in which he mentions that "The emergence of technology-mediated learning has revolutionised the teaching and learning process". According to him, the technology-mediated learning by using the high tech stuff has helped in the distribution of information and knowledge to millions around the world (2011).