
Nine band 5 staff nurses and Six healthcare assistant, from two adjacent single-sex acute admission inpatient wards, took part in the session. This was a relatively mature group: six were over 40 years old and nine under 30 years of age. Some staff has never been formally trained and some need to be refreshed on the use of the tool to make them more versatile. Most had been qualified for many years and they had been working on the wards for over six years. Given the differing range of skills among participants, an important feature was flexibility of approach to meet each learner's needs. The main components of the approach adopted included the following: Therapeutic skills teaching because of the topic. A key aspect was the development of a strategic approach to encounters with service users in preference to random dialogue in using this assessment tool. The overall approach aimed to enable participants to change by becoming more self-determined in their team and being more facilitative, rather than custodial, in their role with service users when using the assessment tool.The session started by introducing myself and the rest of the team followed. The aim of the session was explained which is to further develop staff knowledge of the use of KGV as an assessment tool within the acute inpatient admission wards. The objective was also elicited; at the end of the session staff are expected to be able to use KGV as an assessment tool to enhance patient care. The team were asked open question to begin with to encourage participant to talk, and to ascertain their needs and expectation of the session. This is also to determine how much they know about the subject. This approach was achieved based on the psychological learning theory described by Kolb (1984), which relates to experiential learning. This involve asking questions which encourage reflection, conceptualisation, and ways of testing the ideas.