
因此,亚耶纳夫卡娜向弥勒依解释了关于自我的神圣知识。他告诉她,没有灵魂的存在,这个世界上的任何一个人都不可能成为另一个人的挚爱。即使是享受这个世界的美,如果没有我们身体里的灵魂,也没有任何意义,因为灵魂就是我们的全部。理解灵性知识的深度是获得解脱的方法,解脱于不断轮回的生与死。因此,亚耶纳夫卡娜带着桑尼亚撒和弥勒依,通过聆听丈夫的话语并深入到这种精神上的理解中,获得了至高无上的幸福。通过这种方式,弥勒依展示了所有女性如何通过仔细聆听和练习吠陀之路而达到精神理解的高度。Gargi是Vashaknu的女儿,也叫Vachakni。她出生在Garga Gotra家族,她被称为Gargi,这个名字让她出名。《奥义书》解释说,她向圣人提出了许多关于精神科学的问题,并通过这种方式接受了高等教育。一到加纳卡国王的宫廷,就安排了一场关于精神科学的辩论。他想知道谁是最了解绝对科学的人,这个人将得到1000头装饰着镀金牛角的奶牛。当地的婆罗门没有一个遵守,因为他们担心自己必须证明自己的知识,可能无法胜任这项任务。然而,圣人亚纳夫卡娜告诉他的门徒把所有的牛带到他的地方,这引发了争论。
Therefore, Yajnavalkya explained to Maitreyi all about the divine knowledge of the Self. He informed her that no being in this world has any capability of being dear to another without the presence of the soul within. Even to enjoy the beauty of this world has no meaning without the soul within our own body, for the soul is all that we are. Understanding the depths of spiritual knowledge is the way to attain moksha, liberation from the continued rounds of birth and death. Thus, Yajnavalkya took sannyasa and Maitreyi attained supreme bliss by hearing her husband’s discourse and by diving deep into this spiritual understanding. In this way, Maitreyi showed how all women can achieve the heights of spiritual understanding simply by careful listening and practicing the Vedic path. Gargi was the daughter of Vashaknu, and was also called Vachakni. She was born in the line of the Garga Gotra or family line, she was called Gargi, a name by which she became well known. The Brihadaranayaka Upanishad explains that she asked the sage many questions on spiritual science and became highly educated in this way. Once in the court of King Janaka there was arranged to be a debate on the spiritual sciences. He wanted to find out who was the person who knew best the science of the Absolute, and that person would receive 1000 decorated cows with horns plated with gold. None of the local brahmanas complied because they were afraid they would have to prove their knowledge, and may not be up to the task. However, the sage Yajnavalkya told his disciple to take all the cows to his place, which started the debate.
Therefore, Yajnavalkya explained to Maitreyi all about the divine knowledge of the Self. He informed her that no being in this world has any capability of being dear to another without the presence of the soul within. Even to enjoy the beauty of this world has no meaning without the soul within our own body, for the soul is all that we are. Understanding the depths of spiritual knowledge is the way to attain moksha, liberation from the continued rounds of birth and death. Thus, Yajnavalkya took sannyasa and Maitreyi attained supreme bliss by hearing her husband’s discourse and by diving deep into this spiritual understanding. In this way, Maitreyi showed how all women can achieve the heights of spiritual understanding simply by careful listening and practicing the Vedic path. Gargi was the daughter of Vashaknu, and was also called Vachakni. She was born in the line of the Garga Gotra or family line, she was called Gargi, a name by which she became well known. The Brihadaranayaka Upanishad explains that she asked the sage many questions on spiritual science and became highly educated in this way. Once in the court of King Janaka there was arranged to be a debate on the spiritual sciences. He wanted to find out who was the person who knew best the science of the Absolute, and that person would receive 1000 decorated cows with horns plated with gold. None of the local brahmanas complied because they were afraid they would have to prove their knowledge, and may not be up to the task. However, the sage Yajnavalkya told his disciple to take all the cows to his place, which started the debate.