
我国学前教育的数量大大增加。在2009年3月,有1057所学校提供学前教育:1024在毛里求斯和33岛Rodrigues。这些学校,803(76%)是民营机构;182(17%),政府小学的经营场所,由幼儿保育和教育局举办(前学前教育信托基金),剩余的72(7%)是天主教管理(RC),印度教育当局和/或城市/乡村委员会[ 5 ]。政府学校和私立学校按照国家课程框架学前(3-5年),是由米氏让所有的孩子在同一水平,当他们进入小学。在毛里求斯考察时关于学前教育,我们已经注意到一些问题,使教师不满意。在10所政府的学前教育机构中,有一半的人抱怨说厕所离初级单元很远,因此年幼的孩子们不得不走很多路去那里。他们还说,他们需要更多的空间让孩子们练习他们的日常活动。我们必须注意到,在政府学前教育中,我们有2个学前教育班,每个班有25名青年学生。而且他们要配备厨房以热孩子的食物因为他们带来的食物的食物已经凉特百惠在他们要吃它的时候,就技术而言,这是一种急性缺乏资源。在一些学校,不管是私立学校还是政府,大多数计算机都没有使用。这些计算机正在帮助老师为孩子们准备工作。有时,他们被用来教孩子们如何使用各种程序,特别是为他们学习和发展一些计算机技能。他们也想找一位特殊的老师教孩子们电脑技能。
The number of pre-schools has considerably increased in our country. In March 2009, there were 1,057 schools providing pre-primary education: 1,024 in the island of Mauritius and 33 in Rodrigues. Of these schools, 803 (76%) were privately run institutions; 182 (17%), operating on government primary school premises, were administered by the Early Childhood Care and Education Authority (Ex Pre-School Trust Fund) and the remaining 72 (7%) were administered by either Roman Catholic (RC), Hindu Education authorities and/or Municipal/Village Councils [5]. Both governmental schools and private schools follow the National Curriculum Framework Pre-Primary (3-5 years) which was produced by the MIE so that all the children are in same level when they enter primary school.While investigating about pre-primary education in Mauritius, we have noticed some problems which make the teachers unsatisfied. Out of 10 Government pre-primary schools, half of them are complaining that the toilet is quite far from the pre-primary unit and thus the young children have to walk a lot to go there. They also said that they need more space for the children to practice their daily activities. We must note that in government pre-primary schools we have 2 pre-primary classes, each comprising of 25 young learners. Moreover they want to be equipped with a kitchen so as to heat the food of the children because when they bring food in Tupperware the food is already cold at the time they are going to eat it.As far as ICT is concerned, there is an acute lack of resources. In some schools whether private or governmental, most of the computers are out of use. These computers were helping the teacher to prepare work for the children. Sometimes they were used to teach children how to use the various programs, specially Paint for them to learn and develop some of computer skills. They also want to a special teacher to teach computer skills to the children.