英国arts文献综述代写 推销员之死
Keywords:英国arts文献综述代写 推销员之死

《推销员之死》中的女人是用来激励和安抚男人的,即使男人是虐待或无礼的。我们在威利对待琳达的方式中看到了这一点,他如何不断地切断她的联系,在情感上虐待她,此外还有“那个女人”,以及当她不再对威利有用时,她是如何被抛弃的。当Happy和他的兄弟Biff唯一的目的是性的时候,他也表现出了对女性极大的不尊重。本和威利也轻视他们的母亲,甚至不知道她已经去世了。剧中的每一个女人都被男人以这样或那样的方式物化了,剧中的每一个男人都不尊重女人,无一例外。直到今天,我们仍然面临这个问题。今天的男人仍然视女人为享乐的对象,甚至可能比过去更甚。尽管我们在对待和看待妇女的方式上取得了进步,但她们仍然在为平等权利而斗争,不再被当作物品来对待。 列表:Breeana罗马人,物化女性的推销员,哈利,“销售员之死:美国经典”,凯·斯坦顿,女性和死亡的美国梦的一名销售员,可汗学院,女性在1950年代,Prezi,销售员之死:妇女的对象化,Prezi,物化女性的推销员的死亡
英国arts文献综述代写 推销员之死
Women in Death of a Salesman are used to excite and appease to men even if the men are abusive or disrespectful. We have seen this in the way Willy treats Linda and how he constantly cuts her off and emotionally abuse her, in addition to ‘the woman’ and how she was tossed away when she was no longer of use to Willy. Happy also shows very huge disrespect to women when his only intention with them is sexually, along with his brother Biff. Ben and Willy also trivialized their mother and didn’t even know that she passed away. Every single woman in this play was objectified one way or another by the hands of men, and every single man in the play has disrespected a woman with no exceptions. Till this day we still face this problem. Men today still continue to see women as objects of pleasure probably even more so than past times. Although we have advanced in the way people treat, and see women, they are still fighting for equal rights, and to stop being treated as objects.
List:Breeana Romans, objectification of women in salesman,Harry Harder, “Death of a Salesman: An American Classic”,Kay Stanton, Women and the American Dream of Death of a Salesman,Khan Academy, Women in the 1950s,Prezi, Death of a Salesman: The objectification of women,Prezi, The objectification of women in the Death of a Salesman