
当你听到“教育”这个词的时候,你会想到什么?很难定义它。杜威将教育定义为“一种学习的知识,技能,和一群人习惯从一代转移到下一个通过教学、培训、研究、或只是通过汽车启蒙主义”(杜威,约翰,(1916))g·k . Chesterson还指出,“教育是一个社会的灵魂从一代传到另一代。”我认为这是最恰当和全面的定义,因为教育是区分两个人的东西,而不是钱,教育告诉我们两个人之间的区别。一个受过教育的人说话不一样,他比一个没受过教育的人更有悟性。受过教育的人的行为与没受过教育的人完全不同。“当你知道得越好,你就做得越好”(玛雅·安吉罗)。简而言之,教育定义了一个人。没有教育我们是什么?野蛮人?我们需要教育没有教育生活在这个世界上我们不能生存在这个世界如果我们快速发展与进步,巴基斯坦人,得不到教育我们不会长期生存在这个世界上,如果我们需要与世界我们必须快速行动,需要更多的教育,这样我们才能进步与世界否则我们将留下,就像总是别人会欺负我们。因此,在这里我将谈谈我国的教育制度,巴基斯坦,它的缺陷和我国教育制度的优点。
What comes in your mind when you hear the term "Education"? It is very difficult to define it. Dewey defines education as "a form of learning in which knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, research, or simply through auto didacticism" (Dewey, John, (1916)) G. K. Chesterson also argues that" Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another." And I feel that it is the most appropriate and comprehensive definition because education is the thing which differentiate two people not money, education tells us the difference between two people. An educated person talks differently, he has more sense to his talk than an uneducated person. The behavior of an educated person is totally different from an uneducated person. "When you know better you do better" (Maya Angelou). In short education defines a human being. What are we without education? Barbarian? We need education to live in this world we cannot survive without education in this rapidly developing and progressing world if we, as Pakistanis, do not get educated we will not survive in this world for long if we need to move with the world we have to move fast and have to get more educated so that we can progress with the world otherwise we will be left behind and like always other people will bully us. So in here I will talk about the education system of our country, Pakistan, its flaws and good aspect of education system of our country.