
这种情况下的主要问题是文化问题。想要坚持课程的工作人员,想要执行Te reo和tikanga毛利人面临的重大文化问题。当他们没有毛利孩子的时候。对一些工作人员和家长来说,教毛利人到非毛利孩子是毫无意义的。但如果我们看更广阔的图景孩子们就不会呆在这个中心他们将会在进一步的研究中探索自己。毛利文化是一种丰富的文化和遗产,它有很多道德价值,这是我们的孩子在新西兰生活的必要条件。了解我们国家的历史和本土语言是很重要的。社会问题:-我们生活在一个以欧洲和毛利人为主的社会。如果毛利人已经学会了英语,那么至少我们应该了解毛利人的文化和语言。我们的主要职责是让我们的孩子成为负责任的公民。生活在和平与爱中,重要的是我们的孩子应该尊重其他文化。如果我们在家里教孩子,我们在学前教育中教他们的是一样的,那么把他们送到幼儿园的好处是什么呢?实际上,我们应该让他们了解新西兰的本土文化和语言。
The major problem in this situation is cultural issue. Staff members who wants to stick to the curriculum and wants to implement Te reo and tikanga Maori facing the major cultural issue. When they don’t have any Maori child in the centre. It’s quite pointless for some staff members and parents to teach Maori to non-Maori children.But if we look at wider picture the children just not going to stay in that centre they are going to explore themselves in further studies. Maori culture is a rich culture and heritage that have lot of moral values which is necessary for our children to learn when they are going to live in New Zealand. It’s important to learn about the history and native language of our country.Social issues: - We are living in a society with majority of European and Maori in it. If Maori’s have learnt the English language then at least we should be knowing little bit of Maori culture and language. Our main responsibilities to make our children responsible citizens. To live with peace and love, it’s important that our children should have respect for other culture.If what we teaching children at home and what we teaching them at pre-school is same, then what is the benefit to send them to pre-schools!!? Actually we should be making them socially aware by teaching them about the native culture and language of New Zealand.