
影片一开始,Jose Luis的承担者,是在马德里监狱的囚犯的尸体。阿马德奥问他搭车进城,Jose Luis勉强同意,不喜欢与人有了这样一个严峻的工作理念。他开玩笑说他的同事,“他看起来像一个正常的人;如果我在咖啡馆é或看电影我不会遇见他,说他是一个刽子手”。阿马德奥意外离开他的公文包,包含他的职业工具,和Jose Luis去追他。这一事件标志着一系列事件的开始,这将导致若泽路易斯讽刺地准确地在他最想避免的生活中的地位。以下相关,Jose Luis介绍给卡门(Emma Penella),和一个关系很快发展。他们谈论他们的恐惧,希望和梦想。Jose Luis讲述了他去德国训练汽车技师的计划:“在一年的时间里,我可以成为一名熟练的机械师,一次又一次地离开这项工作。”
阿马德奥发现他的女儿和Jose Luis一起在平,他成了一个刽子手。卡门在这里宣布怀孕。“如果婴儿是其祖父的本能不如不生”,Jose Luis说,他对相关的行业开放程度的感情说明。尽管若泽的矛盾心理,性关系,保证安全、和平引诱他同意结婚。这对夫妇住在一起,并在德国的Jose Luis的梦想是在乐观的生活。
The film begins as Jose Luis, the undertaker, is awaiting the corpse of a prisoner at the Madrid prison. Amadeo asks him for a lift into the city, which Jose Luis reluctantly agrees to, disliking the idea of associating with a man with such a grim job. He jokes with his colleague, “he looks like a normal person; if I met him at the café or the cinema I wouldn’t say he’s an executioner”. Amadeo accidentally leaves his briefcase, containing the tools of his profession, and Jose Luis goes after him. This event marks the start of a series of events which will lead Jose Luis ironically exactly to the position in life that he seeks most to avoid. Following Amadeo, Jose Luis is introduced to Carmen (Emma Penella), and a relationship soon develops. They talk of their fears, hopes and dreams. Jose Luis tells of his plans to go to Germany to train to as a car mechanic, “in one’s year’s time I could become a skilled mechanic and leave this job, once and for all.”
Amadeo finds his daughter and Jose Luis together in the flat that he received when he became an executioner. Here Carmen announces her pregnancy. “If the baby comes with its grandfather’s instinct it would be better not to be born”, Jose Luis declares, opening stating the extent to his feelings of Amadeo’s profession. But despite Jose’s ambivalence, a sexual relationship, promise of security, and the flat entice him to agree to the marriage.The couple move in together, and Jose Luis’s optimistic dreams of a life in Germany are over.