C C# C++ 编程代写:建模设计
Keywords: C C# C++ 编程代写

立体光刻格式是ASCII或二进制文件中的建模设计。【14】它是描述计算机生成的实体模型的三角形表面的列表。这是快速成型的标准输入。最初的3D模型的设计使用建模软件。大多数的建模软件允许STL文件导出。有两种存储格式为STL是ASCII和二进制。ASCII文件是可读的,可以进行修改,如果需要。STL的二进制版本更紧凑。STL文件包含从三角形的物体表面的一种描述。[ 1 ]每个三角形的描述定义了一个向量指向远离固体表面后的所有三个顶点的坐标组成。这些值都是笛卡尔坐标,都是浮点值。正规向量是长度为原点的单位向量。如果不包含正常,则浏览器应该使用右手规则生成它。三角形的顶点按逆时针方向列出,如从表面外看。[ 10 ] STL使用基于刻面表示,意味着它由小数据列表。方面定义一个三维物体的表面。每个面由三个顶点,三角形的角和一个单位的法线。三统筹用于指定正常和每个顶点。所以每个面包含12个数字。每一个STL文件表示单个对象。它不包含任何颜色信息。STL文件是顶点到顶点的规则,意味着每一个三角形共享两个顶点的每相邻三角形。
C C# C++ 编程代写:建模设计
The .stl or Stereo Lithography format is an ASCII or binary file designed in modeling. [14] It is a list of triangular surfaces that describe a computer generated solid model. This is the standard input for rapid prototyping. Initially 3D models are designed using modeling software. Most of the modeling software allows export of STL files. There are two storage formats available for STL are ASCII and Binary. ASCII file is a human readable and can be modified if required. Binary versions of STL are more compact. STL file contains a description of the object's surface in terms of triangles. [1] Each individual triangle description defines a single normal vector directed away from the solid's surface followed by the xyz components for all three of the vertices. These values are all in Cartesian coordinates and are floating point values. The normal vector is a unit vector of length one based at the origin. If the normal is not included then the browser should generate it using the right hand rule. The vertices of the triangles are listed in counterclockwise, as viewed from outside the surface. [10] STL uses facet-based representation, means it consists of list of facet data. The facets define the surface of a 3-Dimenssional object. Each facet identified by three vertices, corners of the triangle and a unit normal. Three co-ordinates used to specify the normal and each vertex. So each facet contains total of 12 numbers. Each STL file represents the single object. It doesn't contain any color information. STL file follows vertex-to-vertex rule, means each triangle share two vertices with each of its adjacent triangles.