
In the case that hands were not visibly soiled, I decontaminated my hands by rubbing them with an alcohol-based gel, as this is the preferred method for performing routine hygienic hand antisepsis.[5] To begin with, I applied a palm full of the alcohol-based gel, covering the entire palm, I then rubbed my hands together with my palms facing each other. After that I placed my right palm over the left dorsum of my hand whilst interlacing the fingers and repeated this on the left hand. I then went on to rubbing the gel on the back of my fingers facing opposing palms whilst interlocking my fingers. The next step was rotationally rubbing the left thumb grasped in the right palm and vice versa. The final step was rotationally rubbing with clasped fingers on the right hand in the left palm, and vice versa. This process should last for 20-30 seconds. Once my hands were completely dry and the alcohol gel evaporated I was able to carry out tasks safely. However, if my hands were not visibly dirty, I washed my hands with soap and water. The first step I took was wetting my hands with water, after that I applied soap ensuring that there was enough soap that covered the entire surface of my hand. I then used the same process that I carried out when using the alcohol rub. However, the final steps involved in washing hands with soap included rotationally rubbing the left thumb whilst clasping the right palm, and then repeating this on the right thumb. I then rinsed my hands with water and dried them thoroughly using a single use towel. Finally, to ensure that I do not contaminate my hands I used the towel to turn off the faucet.