
看来爱丽丝还没吃好,也没喝好。这导致了体重的下降和慢性肺疾病的过度吸烟。爱丽丝似乎一直在忽略她自己,有迹象表明她的手腕上有明显的割伤。爱丽斯被诊断为抑郁症,并根据《精神健康法案》(MHA, 2007)第2条被拘留,当时她拒绝自愿接受评估。当病人刚到病房的时候,医院的环境会给他们带来很大的压力。护士需要积极地与客户接触,发展治疗关系。Barker(2009年,p.36)认为,治疗关系使客户能够更有效地学习或处理他们的环境。护士开始了与爱丽丝的治疗关系,开始自我介绍,并以她喜欢的名字称呼她。爱丽丝听了护士的劝告,没有任何直接的建议,也没有减少他的感情。NMC(2010)建议患者必须被视为个体,尊重他们的尊严。艾丽丝每天与护理团队进行一对一的交流,让员工确定他的目标和愿望,并将其纳入他的护理计划中。卫生署(DOH, 2006)声称一对一治疗是有疗效的;他们使服务使用者能够很好地与工作人员接触,因为它使他们能够表达自己的感觉和想法。
It appeared that Alice has not been eating and drinking well. This resulted in weight lost and a chronic lung condition because of excessive smoking. It also appeared that Alice has been neglecting herself and there were signs she had made superficial cuts to her wrists.Alice was diagnosed of depression and was detained under section 2 of the Mental Health Act (MHA, 2007) when she refused to be admitted voluntarily following an assessment. Hospital environment can be very stressful for clients when they first arrive on the ward. Nurses need to engage positively with clients to develop therapeutic relationship. Barker (2009, p.36) argues that, therapeutic relationship empower clients to learn or cope more effectively with their environment.The nurse commenced a therapeutic relationship with Alice by initially introducing himself and addressed her by her preferred name. Alice was listened to and reassured by the nurse without any immediate advice or diminishing his feelings. NMC (2010) recommends that patients must be treated as individuals and respect their dignity. Alice was offered a daily 1:1 sessions with the nursing team which enabled staff identified his goals and wishes which were incorporated into his plan of care. Department of Health (DOH, 2006) asserts that 1:1 sessions are therapeutic; they enable the service user to engage well with staff as it empowers them to express their feelings and thoughts.