英国巴斯大学论文代写 城市资源短缺

随着城市化进程的加快,资源短缺问题日益严重。在城市化进程中,人们忽视了科学发展观、片面追求社会经济效益、追求经济发展。从城市的角度看,发展盲目扩张,地下水肆意开采,长期供水不足。众所周知,水是人类面临的最严峻的挑战之一.。随着城市化的发展,大城市缺水问题更加严重(江林,2012)。根据联合国有关机构预测,在发达国家的大中型城市和发达国家,北京、上海、雅加达、洛杉矶、休斯敦、华沙、开罗、拉各斯、圣保罗、墨西哥城、新加坡等,将面临严重的水资源短缺。城市化进程中必然会出现土地资源短缺。土地供应是绝对刚性的,有关土地资源短缺严重的问题发生时,大量的人口和产业群到北京,中心城市上海、广州等城市(X. Zhang、Mount、和布瓦维尔,2004)。此外,随着城镇化的发展,医疗设备、食品、教育、教学资源都面临严重短缺。解决资源短缺问题成为各大城市实现可持续发展的必然要求。
英国巴斯大学论文代写 城市资源短缺
With the increasing of urbanization, the resources shortage becomes much more serious. In the process of urbanization, the protection of ecological environment has been ignored as people are in lack of the scientific outlook on development, in one-sided pursuit of social and economic benefits, and the pursuit of economic development growth. From the perspective of city, development is blindly expanded, groundwater is recklessly exploited, and water supply is insufficient for a long time. As is known to all, water is one of the most serious challenges facing human being. With the development of urbanization, water shortage is much more serious in big cities(Jiang & Lin, 2012). According to forecast of the United Nations agencies, the large and medium-sized cities in both developing countries and developed countries, including Beijing, Shanghai, Jakarta, Los Angeles, Houston, Warsaw, Cairo, Lagos, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Singapore, will face severe water scarcity. Shortage of land resources is bound to appear in the urbanization process. As land supply is absolutely rigid, serious problems concerning shortage of land resources happen when a very large number of population and industries swarm into central cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other cities(X. Zhang, Mount, & Boisvert, 2004). In addition, with the development of urbanization, medical equipment, food, education, teaching resources are facing serious shortage. The solution to problems of shortage of resources becomes the necessity of each big city in order to realize the sustainable development.